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Treadmill Hills Again

Well, I wasn't going to run again but she made me. And she made me do it barefoot.


She made run on the treadmill barefoot. What a slave driving, trainor. Now I have blisters and won't be able to run for a year.

So I did the hill run barefoot. Grades up to 8%. I did not do a warmup or a cool down just half the hill portion. 3%, 0%, 5%, 0%, 8%, 0%. Just over a mile in 12 flat. Not bad and ran the whole way.

But BOY does my foot hurt.

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Ally said...

First, I just said to go and run. You said you didn't have your shoes. I said to go clean them...the need to be cleaned anyway for this weekends run...right? Next thing I know you're running. Figured you just put on your work shoes...had no idea you would run WITHOUT them entirely! I will take care of your wounds because I love you...but next time...put on some darn shoes!!! Good job honey getting that mile done though! You do have 7+ to run this weekend at the Fat Ass with Tom. I just don't want you hurting as much....

Tony "the big fat loser" said...

Dude, you are one LUCKY guy. Congrats on the milage. I passed on my run was THREE!!! at 5:30 this morning.