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A Friend lost is indeed a tragedy

Appears I lost a good friend today and for that I am sorry . Things were done for me and I did not interject to change those things. Because of that, I have lost a friend. No chance to explain, no chance to say sorry.

I had asked the cost of his services before in voicemail and email and nary a reply. I just assumed he figured I was looking for a freebie, his services for free. That was never my attention. I would gladly have paid for his services. But I never recieved a reply. Ok, he is too busy. Not a biggie.

So when my real estate agent setup the appointment, I just went with the flow. Not thinking. It was just something I did not have to think about or do and I have had a lot on my mind recently.

Therefore, because I cannot keep up with everything going on I have lost a good friend. The last two words of his email say it all - FUCK YOU

I truly am sorry you feel that way.

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