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First Coaching Session

Awesome day Saturday. I had half my team show up for their first training session. They were great. They were excited and they were up to the challenge of starting on their journey to marathon bliss. Week 1 down and 20 some more to go.

On the down side is the fact that I can't get my long runs in on Ssaturday mornings. So I am going to have to run on Sunday - alone. That is going to be tough. While it is still early, I will see how much I can get done on Saturdays. 

What do all of you think of this? One for an hour before, my team, then run another 90 minutes to 2 hours after they leave. This will get me the mileage in, just not all at once. The spring TNT team will be there doing long runs so I would get t orun with them for 60 - 90 minutes of my second half run. Is this going to kill my training? Next saturday is 16 miles. I should be able to do 6 before and 10 after. I know it is not 16 straight, but with an hour break. And as my team gets into longer runs, it just makes my break longer. I need to be at the water stop for them and not out on the course, ignoring them. Tell me what you think, split my run or suck it up and go alone on Sunday?

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Unknown said...

I'm not a marathon runner, so I'm not sure what to say...

Tony "the big fat loser" said...

Knowing you better tban just about anyone...I would say you're less likely to do your long runs solo on I recommend you do the Saturday split.

Way to go on the coaching thing, by the way. It's good to pay it forward my brother.

Marlene said...

Coaches like you deserve an award for putting the team before your own training. kudos!

What about running some of your runs on Saturday and some on Sunday? That way you have the benefit of running with company sometimes, but not ALL of your long runs will be split up like that.

Maybe you can even convince someone to join you on Sunday occasionally?

Ally said...

There is always me...I can be your water stop gal and even run with you sometimes. I know I'm just starting but who else can you push out of bed to come with you?

Lindsay said...

maybe switch it up and do both? one weekend a split-long-run, the next a solo run on sunday? you know yourself best though and what you'll feel up to!

TNTcoach Ken said...

LOL.....Welcome to my world. You run on Saturday with the team but it's not the same and the Sunday runs won't be as much fun. If you try and split them, your entire day will be out there since the teams miles will increase. I try and get some quality miles in during the week and the weekends are spent trying other stuff. Good luck....

Katie said...

I'm a little late in reading, but kudos on putting your TEAM's runs first. I love my coach, but he runs with us for the most part (which means he's way ahead of me!). I think splitting it would work -- it might be tough finding the time on both weekend days for running.