Today was the last run for the Gangsta at LOW for quite some time. She is moving south for a year for school. All of us will miss her. Our little running group is getting smaller every month. The running doc will be here til the end of June and then she is off to St. Louis to begin her career.
Looks like it will be me and the Lifesavers for the foreseeable future. It was a great group. It IS a great group of people and I am glad to have met them and to now count them as friends.
It is funny but last week, the running doc was telling me how her and MM thought I might be... well, I don't know. She just said they "did not know about me". But that over time I won them over and they now consider me a friend. For that I am happy. Running doc, I really am harmless. Maybe a little strange, weird and overly emotional, but I truly am harmless.
The Gangsta was having muscle/tendon issues so her and I walked for our 6.6 mile jaunt. We chatted quite a bit about her move, school, her husband's work, upcoming marathons and finding new people to run with. She was worried that she will not find a group of people as awesome as us. I made me proud to be thought of that way.
And she is right. We have formed an awesome little running group. It will be hard going forward. Missing them during runs and at breakfast afterwards. Afterall, why run if you can't eat? Right Gangsta? But we will all go on. We will all make it through. Through this blog and their blogs, through Facebook and text messages. And most of us plan on doing the Lewis and Clark marathon in October. That will be a happy reunion for us.
So carry on my running friends. Run, run, run. But no matter how far you run, no matter how fast you run, no matter how often you run, I will be here. In this, my little corner of cyber space, waiting patiently for your updates, for your your prose, for your wit and your criticism, to hear of your running exploits and whatever else you choose to relinquish to your pages of history.
So, go forth and leave your indelible mark upon mankind. I will follow your footprints eagerly, awaiting each and every new, exciting adventure.
I thank you all for your wisdom and kind words, for your thoughts and opinions, for your understanding. As your coach, at one time or another, you have made me proud. As a person you have made me better. For that, I am thankful and humbled.
Go forth and run.
-the beginning of the end
Running Goals for 2025
1 month ago
Our rapidly dwindling numbers are becoming very real. I'm not sure I want to acknowledge that it's all real. I don't want a new running group. :(
I know you're harmless. Never a doubt there. And've met my family. Weird I can handle! I'm so thankful for these last 3 years with the Team. I'll have my own farewell post all too soon...
There may have been some tears in my eyes as I read this post. But seeing as how they didn't fall, they don't count! :)
I love you guys. And now, I'm probably gonna go shed some real tears...
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