It was an awesomely hilly course. I had forgotten how hilly it was and as all runners know what goes down, must come up. And up and up and up. I started out the morning with a delicious Hostess apple pie. Yum Yum.
Anyways, I started about mid back and took off. 29 degrees and off we went. Uphill. Did I mention it was hilly? I passed people on the left and on the right. I side-stepped diagonally through throngs of people. It was into. Running. Mind adrift. Magical. Serene and peaceful.
Mile 1 - 8.12 under pace by 18 seconds but it is earlier and some big downhills.
Mile 2 - 8.21 mostly flat and crowded. This part was single file with runners coming at you. Also an aid station. Still awesome time.
Mile 3 - 9.03 - ok, slower, I was tiring and the big uphill was here. then gently rolling to last downhill tenth
Mile 3.11 - 37.95 seconds. Blasted a 5.45 pace. Felt good.
Total - 26.13.65 for an 8.26 pace. Right on. Can you say PR? I can
It was also the only post race party where chili-mac was served.
The rest of the weekend was a blur. Cancer benefit in Villa Grove. I go to them, but they always down me just a little bit. Great people to chat with and....
Bonus!!! - I slow danced with a beautiful woman.
Had dinner with my mommy and possibly her new man on Sunday. Sunday night was some good jazz/bluegrass/ Scottish highland music and a classic rock band to listen to. Not all the same band, 2 different ones.
An ambulance just.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and summer weather is just around the corner.
-the beginning of the end
Running Goals for 2025
2 months ago
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