Penguin 5k
Anyways, I started about mid back and took off. 29 degrees and off we went. Uphill. Did I mention it was hilly? I passed people on the left and on the right. I side-stepped diagonally through throngs of people. It was into. Running. Mind adrift. Magical. Serene and peaceful.
Mile 1 - 8.12 under pace by 18 seconds but it is earlier and some big downhills.
Mile 2 - 8.21 mostly flat and crowded. This part was single file with runners coming at you. Also an aid station. Still awesome time.
Mile 3 - 9.03 - ok, slower, I was tiring and the big uphill was here. then gently rolling to last downhill tenth
Mile 3.11 - 37.95 seconds. Blasted a 5.45 pace. Felt good.
Total - 26.13.65 for an 8.26 pace. Right on. Can you say PR? I can
It was also the only post race party where chili-mac was served.
The rest of the weekend was a blur. Cancer benefit in Villa Grove. I go to them, but they always down me just a little bit. Great people to chat with and....
Bonus!!! - I slow danced with a beautiful woman.
Had dinner with my mommy and possibly her new man on Sunday. Sunday night was some good jazz/bluegrass/ Scottish highland music and a classic rock band to listen to. Not all the same band, 2 different ones.
An ambulance just.
Hope everyone had a great weekend and summer weather is just around the corner.
-the beginning of the end

Penguin in the Park
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Hugs everyone |
So Monday I ran a 5k at lunch. I bitched about the cold and now I think it might be too hot to run. The Running Doc is going to slap me for that statement. But it was miserable out there. Of course going from mid 40s to 70s in one day does not give time for much acclimation. So maybe I can do it again next time it is that warm. Tomorrow it goes back to mid 40s again for at least a week.
I also have to say that I ran the 5k severely fast for a man of my limited talents. No time, but it was squarely in the middle of what I want to run on Saturday.
Let's see what the weekend brings.
- the beginning of the end
A deep hole in my backward that supplies me with water.
A sigh, a feeling of you really don't know.
I'm going with the first one. The weekend was great. I got no running in, but I got good company all weekend that I haven't had in awhile. I had my brain cleansed and a little bit of my soul as well. It was a good weekend. I did not get to meet SB but that is OK too.
I did not get a lot done on the kitchen or TV room project, but I got a lot of the next planning steps done. The next big kitchen project should be done by final four time.
The weather is starting to lighten up in central Illinois and soon my winter seasonal disorder should start to fade away. Still not sleeping well, but hopefully that ends soon.
Not much to day while I am at work. Maybe more later.
-the beginning of the end
Keys words for life. No, apparently my butt dialed in an infomercial for beautiful, healthy skin. It appears to Joan Lunden that all ladies need a skin cream to counteract your hormonal aging that starting in your twenties. Quick, buy Murad Resurgence now!!!
In this respect I am glad I'm a man.
Channel change. Assaying. Me and Mrs. Jones. We got to be extra careful. I want to meet you at the same place, same time.... Sing it Billy Paul.
New books came into me from the mailman ( not sexist here, I have seen the dude and he is all man). Ok, that sounds creepy.
Machine of Death is a collection of short stories. Read the link. They also (editors) pissed off Glen Beck so there is another reason to buy and read it.
I also have Rachel Toor's "Personal Record". She is an ultra marathoner, senior writer for Running Times, has a pet rat (not code for husband), intelligent and gifted. A great writer.
A third came in as well but for the life of me, nay, for the life of a cockroach I simply cannot remember it at present. I'll get to it later. Also look for reviews of these books upcoming after I have finished them.
"only the beginning" by Chicago is on the tv music channel. It reminds me that this is only the beginning. Reminds me that all of us should sometimes remember this. Whatever maybe ailing you, troubling you, this is only the beginning. It will get better, I hope. I can't promise that. But I can hope for it. Let's be positive. It's only the beginning.
With that I am going to try and take my own advice. It is only the beginning. Things will get better. Warmer weather is coming. Running will get easier. I have a home that I love. I have awesomely great friends, both close and far. What more could I ask for?
Since I have meandered around for a few minutes typing this and you have dutifully followed it this far I shouldn't disappoint. You need another bit of randomness. Skins - an MTV production. Check it out. Why can't MTV go back to showing music videos? Cue Dire Straits...
- the beginning of the end
Work. Need I say more?
This is good. But damn am I tired. It is a non-run day.
Nothing scheduled.
Nada. Zippo.
Friday is supposed to be a nice day. I think I will try to make my run another lunch run. It's only 6 miles, but if the wind isn't to bad I'll run the 7.5 mile layout from the office. It is pretty flat and not too car busy.
Tomorrow is also payday. Woo hoo. Got bills to pay.
I have been toying with an idea to run a marathon in April and it isn't the Illinois marathon. The weekend of this marathon I have a 20-22 mile schedule training run. I am just not sure about driving home after a marathon. A 6.5 hour drive. A drive made even longer by having to stop at every rest area to stretch my legs. A drive that may require loads of caffeine to stay awake.
Plus there is the day off work to drive there. The hotel, dinner, drinks, loneliness. Then there is the time zone change - it is an hour earlier. And did I mention the drive back. The long drive back.
Sounds like hell to me. Anyone want to be a designated driver? I'm willing to cover costs. I'm willing to meet someone most anywhere along the way that can drive me most of the way back. With some sleep afterwards I should be able to make it the rest of the way.
Anyone? Anyone?
-the beginning of the end
Down in the Dumps
Well, I'm beat, I'm depressed, I'm no good, I'm worthless, I'm confused, I'm scared, I'm a loser. I'm sorry.
What did I do? Again? What haven't I done? But this time I betrayed someone. Did not give them their rightful repsect, praise, acknowledgemnt, congratsulation.
I did none of that and for that I should be chastised, flayed, flogged, beaten, whipped, spanked, punished, ignored, shunned, kicked out of society.
Will you forgive me Running Doc?
Yes, you are right. Was there any doubt? I did not mean to take anything from you. You won the challenge, the smack down, bragging rights. You out ran me a fe weeks ago.
But I really thought I had posted that as a comment on your site. Guess I was wrong. Again.
She ran 29.5 miles.
I ran 28.1 miles.
Here it is print. Indelible on servers somewhere. Forever here. I hope that all my fellow/fellowine (female fellows) can forgive me as well. Most importantly I hope Running Doc can forgive. Find it in her heart to understand that I am just a man. A lousy man.
February Recap
I have seen many other do this so I thought I would be a follower and give it a try. Hey, I can't lead all the time.
Miles Planned/Ran: 118 M / 60.8 M
Rest Days Planned/Taken: 14 / 20 - need to rest less
Highest Mileage Week: 28.1 M
Long Runs Planned/Ran: 4 / 2
Hill Workouts Planned/Ran: 0 / 0 - if I run from home I get hills or at LOW (2000ft of ascent in 16 m)
Pace Workouts Planned/Ran: 6 / 3
Xtraining Workouts Planned/Ran: 0 / 0 - need to start working out more
Most hardcore run: 16 m - My longest solo run to date
Race(s): Rock n Roll - St. Louis, Rock n Roll - Savannah, St. Jude (maybe)
Current Wish-List: I've been thinking I may have to start carrying liquid
Current Triumph: Making it this far in life and bringing running back into my life
Current Bane of my Existence: frakin Winter.
Current Goal: To make it through the next few high mileage weeks in one piece!
Current Indulgence: I turned up the thermostat 2 degrees