Kennekuk Road Runners annual Wild Wilderness run was last Sunday. Tom and I finished. I in 1:29 and Tom in 1:42. Not minutes, 1 hour and 29 minutes. Yes, not good, not ok. Just plain ole excruciating time. Monday for me was painful, Tuesday was painful, today is ok. I could go jog again. Will I? After a hearty chuckle, no. But both of us have a race this month - Allerton Park 5.5 miler. We should jog so that the pain of monday and Tuesday isn't repeated. Usually Tom and I falter in learning this lesson.
Maybe next year. VGFatBoy has set a goal time for next year. I am more likely to win the lottery or climb Mt. Everest than run the Wild in under 1 hour. but if it helps him in believing such fantasies who am I to quibble.
Running Goals for 2025
3 weeks ago
It was a beautiful fall day with a few leaves crunching under foot. The park was buzzing with runners getting ready to wonder through the hollers of the woods. This was my first experience in this arena so watching, waiting and keeper of “things” was my key position. Michael selects who he thinks would be good ones to set pace with while others he clearly states they would be far ahead. Tom & Christine arrive shortly and join in the waiting game, Tom and Michael sparring with quirky remarks as usual and Christine and I looking forward to our kayak adventure while they head into the woods. The cannon fires, “15 minutes until the start of the race”, all are instructed to head to the starting line. There wasn’t much of a spark in their step getting to that point…maybe a little apprehension due to the lack of preparedness and knowing tomorrow would be a painful day. The only goal in their sight at this point was to finish. A verbal warning that the cannon shot is about to blow for the start of the race, a quick kiss of good luck and us girls step to the side to see them off. At least they both had smiles on their face as the cannon blew….
Introduced Christine to kayaking today…while the guys were testing their endurance we floated and paddled our way around a bit of the park. (46 min into the race the cannon blows…first male runner has made it in.) We were told about an hour and a half before we should expect our guys to roll in so we just kept on paddling along. Guess what’s on Christine’s Christmas list? Yep…a kayak. We did determine that paddling against the wind was much easier than with the wind at our backs…we learned something new…a good day! We wrap up our adventure, load up and head back to the finish line of the race.
Getting there just a bit early to be sure not to miss their arrival we sit impatiently waiting to see them coming over a little hill. Michael in first with a cheer from us as he passes by. A few minutes pass and here comes Tom…another cheer…our guys are back safe and as sound as can be expected. Hydrating is key and lunch is waiting. We wrapped up the afternoon lounging, eating, drinking and enjoying the company. Looking forward to the next race…where this one was the training for that one…when will they learn?
All you need is intrinsic motivation to go with your given talent. you can dooo eeet!! as for the Wisconsin game, I'll be at Camp Drake, With #1 son.
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