What's the DIFFERENCE???
They look the same.
They do the same job.
They use the same cutting blade.
They make the same shaped hole.
So, what is the difference, you ask.
About $100...
100 greenbacks...
a C-note...
half a days pay (gross pay)
That's all.
On a grander note, it is the start of Football playoffs here in Illinois. The might Spartans of Saint Joseph-Ogden host the Eagles of Rockfor Christian Life. The Eagles are 5 - 4 (as they usually are). A small independent Christian school that should pose no challenge the Spartans this year.
The Spartans are appearing in their 17th consecutive playoff year and hopefully will follow that journey to the state championship. Check here each week for my prediction for the week.
btw... if you squeeze something hard enough it makes noises... ega

Biscuit/Plate joiner

Bamboo or not to Bamboo
Bamboo - Exotic, renewable and green. Yes, green, Green, GREEN!!! evil manical laughter should be heard....
Laying a new hallway floor with bamboo. It smells good. It is pretty. It is easily renewable. Soon instead of piles of bamboo planks lying all over the frontroom they will be placed neatly in rows and nailed to the floor.
Bought a new hardwood flooring cleat nailer for the job as well. Expensive nailer, actually, a stapler. Bought 7000 staples to go with it. Haven't used it yet, but I think it will be fun. You hook air up to it and then hit it with a special mallet. Before picture coming soon.
Land of the Lost
No more acreage...
No more chillin...
No more hammock drinking lemonade being waited on hand and foot...
No nakedness outdoors...
Wait, stop that!! I can still go outdoors naked in the city. That's right, it is my right.
Well, you wait, you mull things over and you contemplate the pros and cons. And when it doesn't work out then it wasn't meant to be. That is what I have... stike that. That is what I believe. There is a place for me to callmy own somewhere. Maybe it just isn't in the state of Illinois. Maybe I am destined to be a Montanian. Yea, I am a MONTANIAN!!!
Just doesn't ring right does it. Back to the drawing board so to speak.
little late
Well, daily postings are late, so are weekly postings. Maybe I can keep up with a monthly posting. Who knows.
Land, land, land...that's all I can think about. I am going to make an offer on some land. 20 acres of land. It isn't exactly where I want to be, but land s hard to find in small parcels like this. Sure if I want 80, 147 or more I can find it. Or teeny pieces like an acre or 2 or 3. But I need 10 or more and this 20 spot is nice. So make an offer make I will, says Yoda.
Running...haven't started. Want to? Yes. Maybe I can try by walking first.
Dying prof tackles final dream -- the NFL
Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon profressor dying in the next months few months realized one of his boyhod dreams. Practicing with the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Read the article here, http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/news/multimedia/s_530835.html and watch his final lecture about achieving childhood dreams from September here (1h 25m long), http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5700431505846055184&q=randy+pausch&pr=goog-sl
Remember we all have dreams and we shouldn't step on anyone's lest we step on our own first and foremost.
waddle on...
John "the Penguin" Bingham is an inspiration to many runners. Mostly slow runers like myself, but I can imagine a good amount of fast runners read his column as well. He is very knowledgeable and entertaining in his columns. And from just reading one now, I wanted to give an excerpt to something I found to be very inightful....
Running on the wrong side of the tracks
I've run over 30 marathons, so I'm not a rookie. I've read most of the training programs out there. I know the names of all the workouts. I know about building mileage and tapering and having a race strategy. But no one EVER mentioned what to do if you're stopped by a train during a marathon.
Here's the scene: Portland, Oregon on as pretty a day for running a marathon as you can imagine. Crisp air, blue skies.... read the complete column here - http://www.waddleon.com/JBRNEWS/PortlandMarathon.htm
Anyway, I liked it and so should you.
Smallville thursday
That's right Smallville, Clark Kent, studette Supergirl, Lois and Chloe. How could the night get any better? Well, I know how, but I am trying to keep my comments to NC-17. Maybe, a little channel surfing to the Kentucky game. Speaking of games how bout them ILLINI.
Playing Saturday for moe respect than they have been given in years. And I for one, believe we (they) can beat the Badgers of Wisonsin. Afterall, I will be IN da HOUSE..
Wild Wilderness Run
Kennekuk Road Runners annual Wild Wilderness run was last Sunday. Tom and I finished. I in 1:29 and Tom in 1:42. Not minutes, 1 hour and 29 minutes. Yes, not good, not ok. Just plain ole excruciating time. Monday for me was painful, Tuesday was painful, today is ok. I could go jog again. Will I? After a hearty chuckle, no. But both of us have a race this month - Allerton Park 5.5 miler. We should jog so that the pain of monday and Tuesday isn't repeated. Usually Tom and I falter in learning this lesson.
Maybe next year. VGFatBoy has set a goal time for next year. I am more likely to win the lottery or climb Mt. Everest than run the Wild in under 1 hour. but if it helps him in believing such fantasies who am I to quibble.