not my knee - mine is far more handsomer... |


A year gone by
It has been well over a year since I have posted and I think it is time I start again. I last posted. I posted about running the Siberian Express in January of 2013.
Guess what now??
It is the end of March 2014. Given a lot has happened. Running has not been one of them. Oh I ran last year. Even ran well at times. I ran the Siberian Express, Kirby Derby 10k, a 5K at the Arboretum, the Allerton Half Marathon. Not a bad year, not a good year. There was very little running in between those races.
And there were even better things that happened - my son got married, my new daughter-in-law is expecting, they got orders to go to Germany (they leave April 8). My new grandson will be born in the Motherland.
This year hopefully brings a lot of new changes - including blogging more often. I ran the Siberian Express on Jan 4. Temps were good, Snow was only a few inches deep in most places. It was peaceful and serene. Even enjoyable.
then it happened. I ran my first ultra on Jan 19. Swamp Stompers 50K. I signed up for it when it opened as it sells out in a matter of hours. I got lucky and I got in. It is was incredible. It was hard. I was unprepared - not terribly, but definitely not ready. This race was in Meeman-Shelby Forest near Memphis. It was beautiful. It was incredibly hilly from my perspective. But I finished in 8.38. Only 8 minutes off my fantasy time. I hit all my splits except for the finish. A lot of that due to a good friend that went down and met me a different locations offering age and a sound tongue thrashing to keep me going. Thank you Tom. And the Buffalo that went down to run - they are awesome and friendly people. These are some of the best people that I have started to become acquainted with. I am not sure why I stalked their email group for 2 years before speaking up.
Since then very little running. My treadmill gave up. Now, I hear you groaning. I like the mill. I would rather run outside but it has been a very miserable winter here in central Illinois. I volunteered at a 5k for the Second Wind Running club. That made me feel good and I got to cheer on some of the Buffalo that braved that chilly 30 degree morning (the day before it was 60).
Now this weekend I will be running my second ultra. Clinton Lake 30 miler. This is a 10 mile trail loop. While the hills are not as tall as but still about 33 hills of 30-50 feet in one loop. I have run this trail 3 times (only one loop each time). It has an 8 hour time limit (16m/mi). I hope to run better than that. I will let you know next week.
Future Races (not all guaranteed to happen)
Allerton Trail 5K night run - April 4
Allerton Trail Half Marathon - April 5
Illinois Marathon - April 27
Lake Mingo 7.1M Trail - June 14
Bix 7M - July 26
Evergreen Lake Ultras - Sept 14
Wild Wilderness - Sep 28
Forest Glen Trail 50k - Oct 18
Marine Corps Marathon - Oct 26 (more on this exciting race later and how I got in)
McNotAgain Trail 30M - Nov 8
Til next time - Happy Feet