Training is going good. I hit my scheduled runs last week except for the 8 miler on the weekend. instead I spent part of the day traipsing around Turkey Run State Park. With the hiking up and down and the new trail blazing (my hiking partner lost the trail) I think I completed a great workout.
This week I made the first scheduled run - a short tempo run. I did it on the treadmill to hit the pace exactly. It was easier than expected. Tomorrow I will be doing Yoga. Yes, Yoga. I am one of the most inflexible people I know. I figure it won't hurt and it counts as cross training. Wish me luck with downward facing dog and sun salutations.
Fund raising is close to being on schedule. I have 11% raised, but no slowing down. I need to average $500 per week. Please spread the word or donate yourself. Remember it is tax deductible and for a good cause.
Running Goals for 2025
2 months ago