Today was the last run for the Gangsta at LOW for quite some time. She is moving south for a year for school. All of us will miss her. Our little running group is getting smaller every month. The running doc will be here til the end of June and then she is off to St. Louis to begin her career.
Looks like it will be me and the Lifesavers for the foreseeable future. It was a great group. It IS a great group of people and I am glad to have met them and to now count them as friends.
It is funny but last week, the running doc was telling me how her and MM thought I might be... well, I don't know. She just said they "did not know about me". But that over time I won them over and they now consider me a friend. For that I am happy. Running doc, I really am harmless. Maybe a little strange, weird and overly emotional, but I truly am harmless.
The Gangsta was having muscle/tendon issues so her and I walked for our 6.6 mile jaunt. We chatted quite a bit about her move, school, her husband's work, upcoming marathons and finding new people to run with. She was worried that she will not find a group of people as awesome as us. I made me proud to be thought of that way.
And she is right. We have formed an awesome little running group. It will be hard going forward. Missing them during runs and at breakfast afterwards. Afterall, why run if you can't eat? Right Gangsta? But we will all go on. We will all make it through. Through this blog and their blogs, through Facebook and text messages. And most of us plan on doing the Lewis and Clark marathon in October. That will be a happy reunion for us.
So carry on my running friends. Run, run, run. But no matter how far you run, no matter how fast you run, no matter how often you run, I will be here. In this, my little corner of cyber space, waiting patiently for your updates, for your your prose, for your wit and your criticism, to hear of your running exploits and whatever else you choose to relinquish to your pages of history.
So, go forth and leave your indelible mark upon mankind. I will follow your footprints eagerly, awaiting each and every new, exciting adventure.
I thank you all for your wisdom and kind words, for your thoughts and opinions, for your understanding. As your coach, at one time or another, you have made me proud. As a person you have made me better. For that, I am thankful and humbled.
Go forth and run.
-the beginning of the end

Dwindling Numbers... :-(

Lewis and Clark marathon
The first of many posts about L&C. This one is general information.
When - Oct. 3, 2010, 7.15am
Where - St. Charles, MO (start at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre - Riverport)
Who - Myself, gansta DC and running doc JG. Possibly Mr/Mrs Lifesaver for the half
Here is a short video of last year's race - race vid
The Oracle and 5 mile trail run
Saturday was the Second Wind Running Club's 5 Mile Buffalo Trace trail run at LOW. It started out as a fantastic morning but the fog cleared and the sun did its thing bringing in the humidity. It was wet. Not just the ground, but all 188 finishers. It was still a good run with friends.
I fell apart during the run (what's new). I ran 47:36.5, 14 seconds slower than last year. JG hung back with me for awhile, but I eventually convinced her to go on. Thank you JG for the time chatting. It helped for a bit. AM blistered the course to secure a 3rd place trophy in her age group. Next year I see her and JG battling for it as by then JG will move into that age group. The smack down is coming.
We all had a great breakfast at Panera and some wonderful conversation. Then it was back to the farm for me to wrap myself back into my cocoon. Back to some obscure safety.
Next Saturday will be the last group run for DA as she gets ready to move away for summer school. What's up with all these kids wanting all this education. LOL!!! It is awesome they are doing it. I'd go back if I could afford it.
Today (Sunday), I put up fence and shoveled a lot of sand for my Hookers. Got a little sun in the process. They now have their pool up if anyone wants to go down and enjoy it next weekend.
I almost have my front room cleaned up. I cannot believe how much of a hoarder I was. Why didn't anyone tell me? Just a little bit left and to go though the file cabinet. I wish now I had a before picture. It is a major difference. I have a stack of magazine almost 4 feet high to discard. And, yes, I read all of them at some time in the past.
Not much else is new, just awaiting word of my future. It isn't held in the palm of my hand any longer. I used to hold half my future in my hand and gladly shared the other half. That is no longer the case. I see my future, possibly depending on a near future decision/outcome/cosmic event, being entirely different than I did at the first of the year when it was bright and carefree. I hope what I see only partially comes true. All I can do is await the Oracle's advice. Here's to hoping she has pity on me.
It is a hot one here today (92 degrees). I am looking forward to cooler weather already. Or someone to rub ice on my temples. Takers? Thought not.
Til next time my reading and running friends.
-the beginning of the end
Wizard Chess
4.30 schedule is up
The 4.30 training schedule is up and link in the same folder as the 4.15
Here is the link again.
On a work note is was very productive today. I got a lot of menial (no they were very important task bossman) done today. And it was a lonely day. My chat buddy has been feeling a little stressed and hasn't chatted much recently. Hopefully, they are at full strength tomorrow.
-the beginning of the end
4.15 marathon training schedule
16 week schedule. For me this schedule starts the week of June 13. 16 weeks before the Lewis and Clark marathon on October 3.
This is a really tough schedule but I might be able to do it. I pasted it in here and it looked like crap (thank you Blogger). It is here and the link should be open to anyone. Let me know if any issues.
RI - in the schedule stands for recovery interval. Run easy for that distance or time to recovery in between intervals.
4.15 schedule
-the beginning of the end
Training Schedules and Life
What do they have in common? Both are hard and hurtful. But I think the training schedule will be easier - much easier. I will put up 2 schedules in separate posts. One for a 4 hour marathon and one for a 4.15 hour marathon. If anyone wants one for a 4.30, let me know.
Life on the other hand is tough. Hard. Surprising. Hurtful. Unexpected. Disappointing. Maybe that will change in a few weeks. But my Florida trip has been approved, so that is still on. Anyone want to go?
- the beginning of the end
As I Sit Here
I am wanting. - a: not being up to standards or expectations - b: lacking in ability or capacity
I had an invite to go run this morning at LOW with a few of my TNT girls. MM's last run at LOW as she is moving to LA next Thursday. And one of a handful of runs left for JG, as she is moving to St. Louis this summer. It was kind of a bittersweet run.
"I have dream, A song to sing, To help me cope, With anything, If you see the wonder, Of a fairy tale, You can take the future, Even if you fail."
We started out fast. Really fast. No one had a watch but we are all thinking under 9 minute pace for the first 2.4 miles. MM's knee was acting so up JG and I ran another 1.8 on our own. At a much more pedestrian pace. That's funny saying that here as we were talking about how the Olympians who were accused of running part of the Olympic marathon at a pedestrian 5.15 pace.
"Slipping through my fingers all the time."
I will miss those girls. They pushed me to be a better runner and possibly a better person. I learned a lot from them and hopefully, I was able to teach them a thing or two as well. I hope we keep in touch through FB or respective blogs. I will need them to push me, to chastise me, to encourage me to keep running. I kind of lack that motivation to keep going on my own though I truly want too.
"The gods may throw a dice, Their minds as cold as ice, And someone way down here, Loses someone dear."
My next race is a short 5 mile trail run for anyone that wants to come by and see just how exhausted, but elated, I am after running. It will be at LOW as well. We start on the far west side at the beginning of the trail-head.
"Gonna do my best, And it ain't no lie, If you put me to the test, If you let me try... Take a chance on me."
So, I got to keep moving and keep running. June 1 will be 16 weeks to the start of the Lewis and Clark marathon. I will be posting three different training schedules later all based on three different finishing times.
"And my destination, Makes it worth the while, Pushing through the darkness, Still another mile, I believe in angels, Something good in everything I see."
It is a race, a challenge, a workout to get in shape. To make this marathon the best one ever. I have high hopes of making it a successful one.
"And you make me talk, And you make me feel, And you make me show, What I'm trying to conceal, If I trust in you, Would you let me down?" I sit here I am wanting
Hip Hip Hooray!!!!
A few of my TNT team wanted to try and run a 6 minute mile after their half marathon race. Tonight was that pre-determined date. Unfortunately, Doctor JG could not make due to a scheduling conflict with Mr. JG. But AM made it out.
The track was busy with the high school athletes still training. We jogged a slow half, but over-achiever AM went another quarter. Then the thinking, the pondering, the should I really try this now occurred. AM wondering if she should try. She was tired. She was nervous. So it was decided to run a quarter at the necessary speed needed to complete a 6 minute mile. 104 seconds. 1 minute and 44 seconds. (DISCLAIMER - yes, a 6 minute and 59 second mile counts as a 6 minute mile. Similar to Boston qualifying)
Being the good coach I am, I ran with AM on her quarter pace lap. 1.36 lap. Great pace if she was shooting for close to a 6. But she was trying for any 6. More pondering, more thinking, more contemplation. And then it was decided to run an 800 (half mile) at pace and keep going if she felt good. Being the great coach I am, (noticing a trend here - what a great coach I am - hey, I just write it) I offered to run the first 800 with her. I fully expected to drop out.
So with a minimal wind on the first straightaway, we took off running into the wind, cam e around the back curve and headed home for the first lap. A very nice 1.40.04. 12 seconds under pace. Around the bottom curve and back into the wind (which now seemed to have picked up) and back down home for 1.45.86. Still under pace.
And being the fantastic coach I am, I ran the third lap with AM. I mentioned that I might fall behind and that she should continue on strong. We brought that lap home in 1.45.78. Still under pace. AM was doing great. And she kept going.
Fourth and final lap. Being the awesome coach I am, I followed. I pushed through the wind on the backstretch. Dogging her heels. Around the final curve and down the home stretch. She picked p the pace for the last 100. I pulled alongside to pace her, to push her - because I am a considerate coach. I picked it up and made her run. Run like the wind. That last lap was a 1.40.30. Under pace. That gave us a
6.51.98 mile
And before anyone goes off on a high school track being 400 meters per lap being the accurate coach that I am I started us at a point that required us to run beyond our start point by 30 feet 7 and 7/8 of an inch. We ran one mile.
Excellent job AM.
- the beginning of the end
I was reading my latest Marathon and Beyond book/magazine and there was the editorial by Rich Benyo. He pulled some interesting stats from various people. Through them I found out I am close to an average runner in times (slower, but close). I do not fall anywhere near the average income levels though (going to have to explain that to my boss).
2008 average men's finish time - 4.20.04
2009 average men's finish time - 4.13.36
2008 average women's finish time - 4.43.31
2009 average women's finish time - 4.41.26
Average men's age - 40.1
Average women's age - 36.4
Here's the average I really want to belong to -
Largest running group by income ($100,000 - $149,999) - 27.9 percent
Second largest group by income ($75,000 - $99,999) - 18.0 percent
45% percent of all runners make over 75 grand. No wonder a pair of shorts costs $50.
Five largest marathons by finishers -
1. ING New York City - 43,660
2. Bank of America Chicago - 33,701
3. Boston - 22,843
4. Marine Corps - 21,405
5. Honolulu - 20,323
Illinois Marathon Recap
Well it is over. And all my people did well. One even ran a PR by almost 30 minutes. Seriously? Yes, he has been practicing hard and all that hard work has paid off. Way to go Randy. You were the best of the best.
Not to take away from from any other the efforts - everyone did well. I am proud of all of my people. They are all true athletes.
And I stand by my decision not to run. It was definitely the right decision. And due to that I ran tonight when I got home. I did not have to force myself. I left work, came home change and immediately went for a 5k. I started easy (or so I thought) and ran into the wind, turned south of a mile turned around and came home. It was hard on the way back.For some reason the cross wind seemed twice as hard. I had not meant to run hard just easy - 9.30 - 10 minute pace, but Greenie (my Gaermin) told me otherwise.
3.11 miles
26m 43s
8.36 pace
A new RunningFirst world record.
Thank you, thank you very much.
Now for a little sobering news. I had friends head to Nashville for the weekend. Remember Nashville? Rain. Flooding. Yes. From leaving downtown back to their hotel at I24 and Bell Road they got stopped in traffic. Thinking a wreck ahead Tony walks up and see water on the the road. Walking a hundred yards back to his car water is now coming up through the drain areas on the bridge they were on. About 90 seconds later water was coming in the closed car doors. They hoofed it 2miles back up the road in knee deep water with 3 kids. All are safe. Car is totaled. This video is where they were. About 50 yards behind the floating mobile home.
On another note a few of my peeps have laid down a challenge, slapped me in the face with gloves, told me to man up - ok, it was just mentioned. But it does appear that the Lewis and Clark marathon will be the next marathon. I will train with them, though we will be miles apart. But GAME ON!!!! Gangsterettes Damaris and Joanna beware. I WILL train.
On another note, I am laying down a small gauntlet to help us stay together and keep running - Buffalo Trace 5 mile trail run at Lake of the Woods. I'll sign up for it soon. Let's stay together through our blogs and FB.
-the beginning of the end
This morning at 6 am was one of the hardest decisions I have made in my short life span. I listened to a great friend and advisor and did not go race. Thank you DJ. I should probably listen to you more. But sometimes I am not that smart.
It was hard, heart breaking and sad. But in the end, it is the right decision. I did not train enough. I coached my people well and they will do well today. I expect many of them to set personal records today. But it was not to be for me. I have barely run this year. If I had been signed up for the half - I would have run. But not the full. Not today. And the fault is all mine.
But the plan is to change that. Now to make the plan reality.
In no particular order - (all halfers)
JG - 2.01
AM - 1.51
RH - 2.40
DA - 2.35
MB - 2.05
PJ - 2.12
ML - 2.29
Congrats to all of you for your dedication to body, mind and soul. Have a great race.
-the beginning of the end