Thursday Tempo run
A nice tempo run this evening around 7:15 or so.
Kid Rock
Not running related, but I saw Kid Rock last night. It was an awesome show. Lynryd Synryd opened for them. Box seats with waitress service for drinks was pretty cool too.
Tuesday Intervals AGAIN
They are starting to get old. I know they help. I know they make me faster. But damn, I am tired. I suppose my eating habits are partly to blame. Not that I eat terribly bad (at least I don't think so), but I have a bad habit of skipping dinner. That is probably the killer, but I just haven't been terribly happy.
So today was supposed to be 6 x 800m @ 3.58 or better. Yea, right. I was tired. I had a TNT informational meeting at 6. So I left work 30 minutes earlier and hit the track. I cut my warm up in half (only a half mile). Still ran it at 9.20 pace - again too fast.
Then the 800s.
3.30.15 - 3.52.31 - 3.53.93 - 3.55.24
A 3.30 to start - 7 flat mile pace. Why do I do this? What the hell is wrong with me? I know better than to go out this fast. I really do. One doesn't feel too bad, but no way I can keep it up - yet. The last 3 sets awesome. Right as the prescribed training spelled out. Oh well.
Tomorrow is TNT training. That will be intervals as well. Thursday is 8 miles (6 @ 9.14) and Saturday or Sunday is a long run. It will be at least 8 miles, but I really need to get in some major distance soon. Minimum of 10 - 12 miles.
Tonight ws my informational meeting for TNT. I will start coaching the winter session for them. This group will be training for the new St. Petersburg (FL) 1/2, Honolulu full, Disney half/full and RNR Arizona 1/2. My TNT staff member might try to push me for being the travelling coach for Honolulu. That would be awesome, but it would be more awesome to actually run it. But I could always go back to run it.
Let's see how this week goes.
the beginning of the end
Intervals are going Down
Or rather I did. I was scheduled to run 2 x 1200m @ 6.02 with 2 minute recovery, then 4 x 800m @ 3.58 with 2 minute recovery.
Thursday Tempo run
Tonight was a tempo run after Coach Harley killed me at TNT practice last night. 6 miles - 2 easy, 3 @ 8.44 and 1 easy. Usually I do not know the meaning easy running my warmups and cool downs at regular running pace. I watched Greenie very carefully for the first 2 miles.
Purple Rain, purple rain