Alaska is three weeks away.
Nerves are starting to set in.
I know I'll finish, but will I be happy.
My goal - under 5 hours.
My coaches goal - 4:40 - dreamer.
I don't know.
I'll set one later.
Anyway, last Saturday I ran long (15.4 miles or so) right at an 11 minute pace. Good job to me. Exactly what I wanted. A slower pace for something left over at then end. Most of the time I felt great. It was awesome having Allyson around for handing water or gatorade or gels to me. I would not have made it without her. Too bad she isn't going to Alaska, but then she couldn't be there every two miles either. I didn't eat much the morning of the run and that proved disastrous. At 14 miles I fell apart. I need food in the morning. The gels were not enough. Got to get breakfast in me before Alaska.
Recovery was pretty quick. I napped for a few hours and then went to work on the kitchen. I worked on Sunday and Monday as well. Not at a great frantic pace, but I was up, very little stiffness.
Training has helped my recovery drastically.
And my speed.
Last night (Wednesday track practice) we ran (me and the summer group) three 1200's. I was consistent and quick. I ran 5:27, 5:21 and 5:32. About a 7:20 mile pace. Awesome for me. This time last year, those times would be around 7:30 for the 1200 and a 10 minute mile pace. No exaggeration there. I have improved.
With a lot of kudoes to Ally and others.
Saturday is 90 minutes of running that I will do up in the Uttica, Il area as I will be camping and hiking around Starved Rock Park. Not going to push anything, just an easy 8 or 9 miles.

Getting close

Count Down
Only three short weeks until Michael heads to Alaska for the TNT full marathon. He continues to work on being prepared, but needs a pick me up once in a while from "his people".
I know you'll do great honey!
Catch up time
After the Indy mini and my crestfallen heart after getting drubbed by Mr. Elliott by 11 seconds, my blogging has been nil. So now I catch up.
Wednesday following Indy (May 7), it was raining and I did not bring appropriate clothes, so I skipped. Did I make it up on the treadmill, you ask. Silly people, of course not.
Saturday, May 10, was to be an 20 mile run. I went to LOW and managed to eke out about 9.26 miles at a great 10 minute pace. And then my body fell apart. Rather than risk injury or just dropping alongside the trail, I slipped home. After a shower and food (lots of food) I felt much better.
Wednesday, May 14, was a pretty good track workout. We did a few specialized 100's, scissor kicks, strides, high stepping and butt kicks. Then Vicki made me do mile repeats for 3 miles. Tiring, but felt better. Miles were 8:16, 9:46 and 9:06 for a total of 27:08. Probably a new best for me.
Saturday, May 17, was the Buffalo 5 mile Trail run at LOW on the west side. This was run with (ok, behind my son - Jacob) and my woman Allyson (Ally did the 2 mile walk). Going down the first hill we knew it would be wet, but not how wet. At one point we slogged through 6 or 7 inches of water that took about 10 strides to get through. Nasty stuff. Good thing it was warm.
But I did great, ran a 48:33 for a 9:45 pace. All I wanted was a 10 minute pace. It was a struggle and probably walked more than I should. The last mile was against the wind and it showed. Jake ran a respectable 42 something, but he needs to start running for cross country. He was a hurting on Sunday. Myself I felt fine on Sunday. Must slowly be getting used to this.
Now I just have to pick up more days a week to run, but who has the time. With the kitchen still not even close to being done. But that's another story, for another blog.
So hopefully, tonite I will plant three fruit trees, so a little drywall and then hit the treadmill for 3 miles.
That's the goal.
Indy Half Marathon
Saturday was overcast with a threat of showers, but it was cool. We (Tom and I) got to the corrals a minute before they were closing. We left Allyson to find a parking spot and she was on her own.
We started in the X corral with approximately 30,000 people in front of us. As the gun we went off, we shuffled forward. I found a break in the fence and dashed out for the port-a-potties. This gave Tom the head start he "needed".
About 30 minutes after the gun I crossed the start line. Horray, the front runners were proably on the Speedway (the 6 mile mark) and starting to head back. Being this far back to start was a mistake. We need to be there an hour before next time. I did nothing but dodge walkers and slow joggers. Not that I am fast but that is a lot of people to move around.
Eventually I took to the sidewalks following some other trailblazers and made it through. It never really clears out though. You are always weaving in and out. But it only added a tenth of mile to the race - it sure seemed like more.
I kept to my pace fairly well for the first 7 miles. Slowing down and walking at the drink stations and then getting back up. With this process I was averaging just over 10 minutes a mile. Giving me pause to actually believe that I could, maybe if the stars were aligned right and the rest of the course was downhill, I might make my ultimate goal. 2 hours, 11 minutes - an exact 10 minute pace.
I had been fighting an urge to use the restroom for over a mile. This was an urge, I couldn't ignore any longer. While running around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, I had to take a dump. A crap here and now. Why now? Up ahead was a porta-a-potty and only 2 guys in line. Out popped a woman. I headed for it. Got in, dumped and then the trouble. Have you ever tried to pull up spandex over very sweaty legs? Not easy.
My watch (my new Garmin Forerunner 405 - I love it) stopped during my lack of forward progress. I figured I lost 2 minutes here. Anyway back on and moving.
Off the track and still passing people. I was amazing catching parts of conversations. we are doing good, 8 miles in 2 hours. How far up had these people started. I was passing people that I should have started in front of.
Mile 10 in 1h 46m 10s. Not bad only 6 minutes behind my ultimate goal. I wouldn't be able to make up that time in the 5k that was left, but I could hang tough and do the last 5k at pace (31m).
Finish time - 2h 16m 49 seconds. That made my last 5k in 30 minutes and 39 seconds. I hung on and beat last years time by 11 minutes.
Training does help.
And how did Tom do? Very well. He beat me by 11 seconds. He, who wanted 2 - 3 minutes per mile advantage. What a sandbagger.
Oh well.
My hats off to you Tommie. I really thought treadmill only training was going to hurt. Apparently you trained alot more than you let on.
Numbers look hard to read so here they are. Tom is listed first and myself second.
Tom - 5mile time 50.37 - 10mile time 1.44.27 - Total time 2.16.38
Mike - 5mile time 50.53 - 10mile time 1.46.10 - Total time 2.16.49
Wednesday Training - April 30
Running in circles again
But it has helped
I am faster
I can run a mile better
I recover faster
We were told to run a timed 5k. I aimed for under 30 minutes. They has been hard for me to do.
I ran 28:25. And did not feel bad.
My next 5k goal will be just under 27 minutes
Times for each lap is pretty good for me. Lap 5 is where I walked after blowing out a 8.16.56 first mile. I have been trying to keep my first mile close to 8 minutes (if I can) and then relaxing a little on the rest of the workout. Probably not too good for me, but mentally it does me wonders.
But truly the whole workout was good and I haven't done a sub 30 5k in a long time.
Saturday is the Indy half marathon and I hope to break my time from last year. Looking at 2 hours 25 minutes or less.