God it was awful. I went out with a few friends on Friday and toss a few down. Then a few more and a few more. Saturday came and I was forcibly kicked, pulled and cajoled out of bed. I went to LOW and tried to run.
I did try.
Approximately 5 miles later I was done. 13 miles short of my scheduled run. My head hurt. I was bad on Friday night and I paid for it Saturday morning.
This week I hope to do better and really excel on Saturday at the Indy half. I really believe that a 2:20 is in the cards. I am going to try.
And on another greater note a great kid went into Madison over the weekend and participated in his first tournament of his Hwang Do career (something like TaeKwan Do). He was second in waepons and sparring. I think we have a little Bruce Lee on our hands.
Congrats again big man, Zachary "Lee" Hooker.

Saturday training

Wednesday workout
Yep, another Wednesday, another speed type workout.
Wednesday - WED NES DAY why such a long strange word for the middle of the work week. And most people leave the D out - WENSDAY. Weird huh??!!
anyway, sorry I got distracted... Again a speed workout. 1 mile warmup, then 5 200's then a few 400's mixed in with some sprinting with Randy.
Now Randy, I got to tell you about this joker. Sandbagger is more like it. Ran with him (more like got my ass sprinted off by him) for awhile. He's like - "We should run a 50 or a 100" in the middle of our 200's. What is he crazy? Damn st. Joe guys.
But hey, it was a great workout and yes, Randy is a runnner!
But now I have to brag. My warmups the last 3 weeks have not exactly been warmups. I have been testing myself during the 1 mile warmup. seeing what I can do. Last week was a 9:03 and I was extremely happy.
This week I would have to say frackin delirous. (note the Battlestar galactica reference)
1 mile
ok - 1600 meters (another 9.344 meters to be a mile - 30 feet 7 inches)
uh huh, that's right, you got it - under 8 minutes for the MILE. Another PR!!!
so here goes.
warmup 7:59:19 (here's the splits 2.05.78/201.62/201.61/1.50.18
200 - 52.45
recover (200 meters) - 1.57
200 - 40.36
recover - 2.09
200 - 47.70
recover - 2.02
200 - 43.53
recover (400 jog) - 2.53
400 - 2.33
200 - 47.73
recover - 3.01
400 - 2.10
recover - 3.20
100 - 15.87
then 2 laps jogging
not bad....
but my calves will be tight tomorrow. I can already feel a little bit of stiffening now. And man, do I stink.
Saturday's run you ask? (groan) 18 miles. With the Indy half marathon being a little over 9 days away as I right this, I may not run all of it. I reallly dont want to kill myself and have nothing for Indy. My best half was Mahomet in 2005 in 2:21. I would like to be beat as the ultimate, but I will be really happy with a 2:29:59.
see ya Saturday or Sunday...
Yes, I skipped last night. It was happy, joyous, gay skipping. But uncoordinated me managed to do it without falling down.
skipping, scissors steps, high steps and butt kicks are fairly strenuous types of movements.
We walk the curves and then do the straights with one of the above.
1 mile warm up. 9:22 (not much of a warm up. pretty fast pace that I can only do for a mile or so)
1 lap of each of the above (another mile)
1 lap of 2 of the above (1 straight for 1 type of humiliation) (half mile)
2 laps of cool down (ran with coach, probably 10 - 11 minute pace)
Not a bad workout. Recovery was quick though the exercises did streeeeeetch out the muscles. Today I have a little tightness in the calves and the small of my back.
This Saturday is an 80 minutes run. Maybe I can get 8 miles in. Is that pushing it? Probably! Should I try it? Not really sure here. Maybe??!! 7 miles should be easy (11:30 pace)
PS - Remeber to take watch Saturday. More accurate than phone.
Lets see what happens on Saturday. A great run may mean wonders come Indy. Afterall, I looked up some old races and the Mahomet Halk Marathon of 2005 has been my best of 2:21. I really want to beat that. Did I write that down? Don't copy thatr information.
Wednesday Track Practice Tonite
Tonite is track practice again but we are at the Urbana High School track. A full 400 meters. We are doing some dancing, skipping and general form techniques tonite. Woo hoo. Me skipping.
Last Saturday was supposed to be a 16 miler, but with the rain and wind I skipped out. I was also in Kewanee for my uncles funeral.
I do have results from last Wednesday track run though. Something I am proud of. Only THREE miles but the first one was a 9:03. Yes, that is 9 minutes and 3 seconds for a - ok, only a 1600 meter run, but damn it good enough for me. Besides it is only 30.6 feet shy of a mile.
Then mile 2 - 10:44
Mile 3 - 10:41
Still I was happy.
Not something I have ever been good at, but I did get the hint from the last post. I have been running -some. But as my shoes pointed out there has been no mention of it here. So let us catch up.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
At the Armory again on their little 200 meter track
We'll do 3 miles, consistently increasing our speed. 6 warm up laps at warm-up pace, then every 2 laps we'll increase by 5%. Finishing with 2 laps cool down. All spelled out: 6 warm-up: 50%; 2 laps: 55%; 2 laps: 60%; 2 laps: 65%; 2 laps: 70%; 2 laps: 75%; 2 laps: 80%; 2 laps: 85%; 2 laps: 90%; 2 cool-down: 60%.
That's alot of laps for 3 miles. Did I run those percentage levels doubtful. Probably ran a little easier than normal for the warmup, then normal for the majority, then hard for 2 laps and finally the cool down. I just can't pace myself well. So everything in between is about a 10 minute pace.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday was a step back recovery week and we were only scheduled to run 60 minutes. During these runs I pick a distance to run and see if I can do it in the alloted time. So I though a 10k (6.2 miles) would be a tough goal to make. That is faster than my normal 10 minute per mile pace.
Guess what? I CAME CLOSE!!! woot woot
Mile 1 - 11 min
Mile 2 - 10 min
Mile 3 - 11 min
Mile 4 - 9 min
Mile 5 - 10 min
Mile 6 - 9 min
Mile 6.2 - 2 min
Total - 62 minutes
Remember timing is done with my phone so not very exact. That could have been a 62 minute run or 62m and 59 seconds. But who's counting. Not me.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
No team practice we werre supposed to run on our own. Did I? What do you think?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Back at Lake of the Woods (LOW). 14 mile run. Long and since I am training for a marathon in Alaska I ran all 14 on the west side - the hillier side. I took mind time and shot the shit with the group a few times. Once for 13 minutes straight, just before my last 2.3 mile loop. Boy was that dumb. My legs, chest and brain were screaming, "you frackin' idiot. you know better than to rest just before the end.Frack!!!"
Start - 7:10
Mile 1 - 11 min
Mile 2 - 10 min
Mile 3 - 13 min
Mile 4 - 11 min
Mile 5 - 18 min - 7 minutes with group
Mile 6 - 10 min
Mile 7 - 9 min
Break again for 8 minutes with group
Mile 8 - 12 min
Mile 9 - 11 min
Mile 10 - 13 Min
Mile 11 - 11 min
Break again - the really dumb one - 13 minutes
Mile 12 - 15 min
Mile 13 - 13 min
Mile 13.9 - 9 min
Total time 187 minutes or 3 hours and 7 minutes. Terrible for a half.
Actually running time - 159 minutes or 2 hours and 39 minutes. Great for all the ups and downs over there.
Ok, so now I am caught up. What do you got to say now shoes? And yes, you guys do stink.
substitute poster
Hi, this is RTL's running shoes. Has anyone seen our friend RTL? he hasn't posted in weeks, so we thought we'd fill in for him. Last weekend, we did 14 miles. Boy were we sore! This weekend we're going 16. Is he nuts? You can't run a marathon training only once a week. Can you? I sure hope he remembers the odor eaters cuz we've got some "funk" issues growing inside us. Well, Smell ya later!
Rtl's Running shoes.