Figured the time was too quick for me. Real time...
1 hr 43m 30s

Mountain Goat 15k
Today was the Mountain Goat runs.
5k loop of hills.
215 feet of downhills.
215 feet of UPHILLS!!!!
My calves were screaming at me. You idiot. You are you doing to us.
You haven't trained for this. You fool. and so on.
I heard them, well I felt them. Oh, how did I feel them. But I ingored it best as I could.
Pain. Phew!!
I run through pain like it was a wet tissue.
Then I go home, curl up in the fetal position, and cry like a little baby.
But I persevered and finished. Possibly in world record time. Ok, maybe a personal best. If my time was correct then 95 minutes - 10:12/mile. If a correction is necessary I will make it if it makes me look better.
Wednesday Track Session
Again, track at the Armory. Spring break for the university so the Armory was basically empty.
Another FARTLEK - ain't that a cool word??
Not a bad workout - 4 miles. still the back of my calves (achilles tendon?) killing me early on. This doesn't happen at LOW. I'm thinking since the track is only 200 meters maybe it is the curves. Always running on the left edge of my feet? I am not sure. But it really is kind of painful. It eventually goes to a dull ache with time and doesn't seem to bother me the next day.
Any ideas?
here's the rundown of what we did -
6 laps of warm-up.
1 lap 80% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 70% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 90% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 70% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 80% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
6 laps of cool-down.
Saturday Long Run
I was supposed to run 10 miles on Saturday.
I went
I ran
just not that far.
But a good run I had. I was at 5k in 30 minutes and decided to do a 10k timed run. Thinking I could maybe do one in 60 minutes. I kept pushing. It was hard but I actually did a 59 minute 10k. It was probably 59:59 but timing on my phone I have no idea of the seconds. So I am calling it a 59 minute run.
in the mist
up and over the hills
I like running at Lake of the Woods but it is a pretty hilly course.
Good runonSaturday morning.
Wednesday track session
At the armory again... that small track is killing my upper quads. I truly believe it is the fact that you are almost running in a circle. I haven't had pain (more of a severe tightness) before running on roads or trail. Therefore, it has to be the always running on the edge of your feet in the corners.
Anyway, enough griping. With the weather getting nicer we will soon be moving to the Urbana high school track (then I can bitch about the wind, heat, humidity).
Fartlek - come on, say it with me, FART LEK. What a cool word. But that is the running we did. Speedplay for 4 miles. But it made me run 4 miles in 38 minutes. Exhauusted.
gonna really have to do more running than twice a week.
Tonite's the Night
It's going to be alright....
with all due respect to Pink, Janet Jackson, Yoyo, Wallflowers, Rod Stewart, Neil Young, The Shirelles and Emma Bunton (and anyone else that recorded this song). Tonight is going to be alright.
I will be starting my serious running training - no matter what the excuse or whatever else needs done. I will either run around the farm or be on the treadmill. Most likely on the treadmill - there is still a ton o water around. Or done the half mile lane and back a few times.
Bad thing about the lane is all downhill from the house - making it all uphill to finish. Crap!!!
Tom (a friend of mine) has been in some serious training the last few months and I need to catch up. We re both running the Indy half marathon in May. In a drunken, I-am-better-than-you-are, stupor last year there is a $100 bet on the finish. Both of us are too vain, egomaniacal, hard-headed, prideful, or just plain ol stubborn to relenquish the wager. War is on.
So, while he has been 75% deligently training, I have been giving it my full 20%. I need to step it up. and tonight's the night - aww yeah!!!!!
Wow, I month seen I have posted. I surprised I haven't heard about this. Well, I have run all the required Saturday runs since the last time I blogged. I have been doing ok. My knee still tends to aggravate me on a schedue of it's own choosing.
Last night was the first track practice session that I have gone too. It is at the Armory.
a nice short track.
200 meters.
makes you dizzy.
We ran 4 laps of warmups - 1/2 haf mile and then 60 seconds all out. Well, I wasn't running all out. How could I go on after that? But I did put forth great effort.
Our last lap was balls to the wall. I'd been trailing this chick all night hanging behind her (telling myself it was so I could watch the sashay of her ass when in reality it was all I could do to keep up). Forget her name but she is there every Saturday just jogging and chatting with her friend. How can you jog and chat? I can jog and gasp for air.
So last lap, the ol' brotherhood pride reared it's ugly head and totured my mind with its unrelenting hounding of my inability to defeat this better, stronger, younger athlete. We took off and by turn 2 I was matching her stride for stride in the outside lane. As we came upon the backstretch, I was passing her and I heard her sigh. I knew I had it. I started to celebrate and slowed, then I heard her footsteps. Why couldn't she admit that I wasn't going to lose?
My brotherhood pride moved my legs even faster and my belly started to retch. Coming into the homestretch my coach is shaking her head, yelling out the time and calling me a sandbagger. Me, I am looking around for oxygen.
It was a good run. Here's what we did.
4 laps warmup
1.5 laps fast
2 laps recovery
1.3? laps fast
2 laps recovery
1.25 laps fast
1 lap recovery
1.25 laps fast
1 lap recovery
1 lap all out
3 laps cooldown
Total maybe 19.3 laps or close to 2.5 miles. But rough miles.