Well, I wasn't going to run again but she made me. And she made me do it barefoot.
She made run on the treadmill barefoot. What a slave driving, trainor. Now I have blisters and won't be able to run for a year.
So I did the hill run barefoot. Grades up to 8%. I did not do a warmup or a cool down just half the hill portion. 3%, 0%, 5%, 0%, 8%, 0%. Just over a mile in 12 flat. Not bad and ran the whole way.
But BOY does my foot hurt.

Treadmill Hills Again

Training #7
I missed training #7.
Yes, moved into a new house. But with Monday I hope to begin a steady stream of weekday training.
Until then, ciao.
Weekday Training
Tuesday - L training day.
And guess what I s.....started it as soon as I got home from work at 6:30pm. I changed, hopped on the treadmill and started the warmup and then raised the incline. I followed every step and loowered and raised the inlcine as called for.
Up to 8%. That's steep. But I stayed true and followed through.
2.614 miles in 33:00. Not fast but I only set the speed at 5.5 mph and the included warmup and cool down is included.
Maybe the start of something good.
Training #6
So tired. We went out to dinner and drinks with Tom and Christine last night. Had a pretty good time. But, yea, that has nothing to do with Saturday's training run.
It was CANCELLED by the coach. With wind chills on the negative side of ZERO that was probably smart. So that means running it today by myself or trying to limp out 6 miles on a treadmill.
Did a little cross training this morning around 9:30 for abot 45 minutes or so. Some pushups, sidebends, thrusts... those kind of things. Then headed to the treadmill. Set it for 10k and started walking. Soon up to my 6 mph pace and felt pretty good. But could not hang with it. Ended up slowing and doing a 5k in 33:45 for a 10:54 pace.
That means I have to do another 5k later tonite. I cannot let the distance go. Mileage will be building up 2 miles every week for the longer Saturday runs. I have to keep at this. And I have to add the weekday runs as well. Must find time for 30 minutes every night on the treadmill or outside. MUST!!!
Working but Lazy
Ok so I haven't worked out or have I?
My fingers are sore from changing this website and creating another (check the links). But with the addition of tracking progress on the blog (through runningahead.com) I can now see my progress (or lack thereof) everyday. I was hoping to join the 1000 mile club this year and that goal is going to be harder to meet with each passing week.
Other things in my life are slowing down, but soon, there will be alot more work in my life. Less stress, but more work. But I think that is ok. The recent stress has kept my mind tired and my body sluggish and frankly, (notice I didn't call you surely) my sex drive to an all time low. Sucks to be my girlfriend right now.
On that note, and with the really cold weather setting in, it is time to start. The motivational drivers that I employ are constantly challenging and prodding me. For that I am grateful! It will be a slow start, but I think in the next 2 weeks I should be able to get some kind of semblance of a training routine done.
As a columnist that I read monthly, ..."it is not about how fast you run or how far you or how often, it is about you running".
And to steal a great catchphrase...
Waddle on, friends.
Training #5

He is playing intramural basketball and apparently uses only his index finger to catch the ball. Beat he goes back to using his whole hand. I sent him to the emergency room and the doc said he did pop it out of joint but it popped right back in. Swelling should go down in a day or two.
In other news I have final approval of my home loan, meaning I can join the ranks of the debt-ridden once again. Someday a house will be mine.
So hopefully Monday I will train a little. Time will tell.
Today is the Day
Today I have to at least run or do some core workouts. NO MATTER WHAT.
Saturday is TNT training #5 but it is only 45 minutes. I say that like I run more than that all the time. 45 minutes that I cannot run continously. 45 minutes of wheezing, knee pain, side splints and general dizziness in my head wondering what the hell am I doing.
Oh way, I am tryin to get in shape and raise money for TNT. Time to start writing letters this weekend.
On a side note, I have been looking at houses... still. I had a house inspection schedule for me and that is how I lost a good friend. Maybe someday he will overcome his anger. Inspection was ok. Pointed out a few things I choose to inore and listed all the no-nos that most homeowners don't really care. They no there is damage or rot here and there and choose to overlook when trying to buy a house they really like. But he did point out the furnace was old (I knew that), the flame was too yellow - due to misadjustment or cracked heat exchanger (I didn't know, well even I could see it was yellow) and the fact there was no CO detector (which I had forgotten that all homes with gas appliances must have them within 15 feet of sleeping areas. New state law as of last year.
I wondering how many homes do not have them. I bet one hell of a lot.
So I am having a furnace guy look at this furnace on Monday to tell me if the exchanger is broke or not. Then on with the next step. Home buying seems to be such a drag and time committment. My lawyer seems to be very knowledgable and nice. I like him.
A Friend lost is indeed a tragedy
Appears I lost a good friend today and for that I am sorry . Things were done for me and I did not interject to change those things. Because of that, I have lost a friend. No chance to explain, no chance to say sorry.
I had asked the cost of his services before in voicemail and email and nary a reply. I just assumed he figured I was looking for a freebie, his services for free. That was never my attention. I would gladly have paid for his services. But I never recieved a reply. Ok, he is too busy. Not a biggie.
So when my real estate agent setup the appointment, I just went with the flow. Not thinking. It was just something I did not have to think about or do and I have had a lot on my mind recently.
Therefore, because I cannot keep up with everything going on I have lost a good friend. The last two words of his email say it all - FUCK YOU
I truly am sorry you feel that way.
Training #4 and more
Hey that rhymes. tee hee
Ok, training on Saturday was supposed to be 5 miles, instead I attempted the Siberian Express (7.45 miles). It was the muddiest I have ever seen it. At places we were slogging through 4" deep mud. We - Tom and I. My knee has been giving me plenty of problems lately and I had to stop every quarter to half mile. Tom, being the friend he is, hung back with me. We still finished in 1h 43m. Making us both believe that without the mud and my knee we could have been under 90 minutes.
So that tells me I need to do weekday running and start the new ELITE core workout that VGFatboy is doing. We both read about it in RW. Core strength is important to everyday life. This coming Saturday is only a 45 minutes run - a cutback week. Then 6 miles, then 8 miles.
Gave a treadmill to VGFatboy for some winter running. His number 1 son seems to love it. He should get some good use out of it in the years to come.
Soon I will have a new blog up. Look for more info to come.
Peace out.
Happy New Year Everyone
it is 2008
i'll turn 45
don't know if that is significant or not
i might get lucky and get a house this year
or i might not
i hope to run a marathon this year
i hope to beat the Rouge in the Indy half marathon
my wallet hopes i beat him
i hope Jake makes the state cross country meet this year
i hope Tori makes it too high school
i hope Chris gets over his shyness
i hope Allyson stays happy
i hope all my friends stay my friends
i hope i train more
i hope my blood sugar drops to the normal range
i hope i eat better
i hope i learn something new this year
i hope i am better this year