A time of reflection
A time of remembrance
A time of hopes
A time of thoughts
A time of regrets
A time to ponder
A time to start anew
This is the time of the year that we look back with our friends and by ourselves and say, "Hey, what's going on". We think we should have done this or that. We think we should not have done this or that. We wish, we repress, we cherish.
This is the year that I will look back on as a good year. A year of incredible change. A year of some growing up. A year of some regressing. A year og happiness and a year of sorrows.
I will not make a resolution for the next year. I have read that resolutions are easy to break. Instead I will make promises to myself. As quoted "You may think that a promise to yourself broken is a victimless crime, but honestly if you cannot keep a promise to yourself, then you need to think of yourself as a more important of a person than you may right now." And I think there is sound reasoning in those words. Therefore, promises I will make.
I will be a better person.
I will be a better athlete.
That's it. That's enough, isn't it. Those two things will be hard to achieve and will take time. but I have a year to make good on my promises.
Now for the running part.
Yea, it's about time.
only have a few things lines up for now, but these I want to do.
Running 2009
1/3/2009 - Siberian Express 7.1 mile trail
2/14/2009 - Fat Ass Runs - 21.3 mile trail
3/??/2009 - Soaring Eagle Run - ??
3/28/2009 - Clinton Lake 30 mile trail (maybe - 2 weeks before marathon)
4/11/2009 - Illinois Marathon
5/3/2009 - Indy Half Marathon
I am sure to add more but that is a good start. And I have TNT to keep me busy with mentoring and coaching.
Yes, I am a TNT coach for the Summer session of 2009 which starts it's official training in February. Probably be coaching for the Indy mini, RNR marathon in Phoenix and who knows. I just know I can't wait.
Until next year to my two readers -
Laimingų Naujųjų metų

New Year's Eve

Track Practice - Make--Up
Did my normal Wednesday track practice tonite. It was supposed to have been done on Xmas eve but the Armory is closed until next year. I did the math and set the treadmill speed the desired mph's. it kind of sucked because I could not pour on any extra speed during the last 30 or so meters. I also ran quarter mile splits instead of 400 meters that the Armory track is. But it is done. 8 quarter mile splits all done in the same speed with 2 minutes of rest in between. Did them in approximately the same time as I did last week at the Armory. This Wednesday (2 days from now) is track practice for the week. It is now 10x400 meters but since the Armory will still be closed I will be running on the treadmill again. I suppose i could mark out something on the road by I am not sure. Then I have to deal more with wind and weather and possibly ice. So most likely treadmill again in the same speed again staring out that little garage window at an empty pasture. Ho hum!!! Kind of like this blog if you got through it.
Long Run - Week 2
Saturday - December 27, 2008
average temperature for the day - 37 degrees
actual temperature for the day - 63 degrees
7am when I started running it was 57 degrees
of course it rained a few times on us, but overall, a great day to run
just a few of us there
kevin, sarah, karen and of course randy and jayme
halfers ran 4 and full ran 6
i ran 7.38
supposed to run 9
underachieved again 2 weeks in a row
but ran it faster than stated pace
was tired and sleepy when i got home
good thing kids were still asleep
next week is 11 miles
out at lake of the woods
siberian express race is next week as well
signed up for siberian and i will run it
will probably just go out and hang with group
save myself for the siberian
i am recovering quicker after my runs
i don't seem to be having any muscle aches afterwards
that denotes good progression
maybe my goal is achievable
tonite i need to do last wednesday's track practice
8x400 meters in approximately vieną penkiolika
or something close
so that i can run this wednesday practice on wednesday
10x400 meters in apprximately vieną penkiolika
i will be building up to 16x400
that is a lot of laps at the armory
until then
gerai veikia
Track Practice - 12/24/08
Did not happen. Not because of the holidays, but because the Armory was closed.
Had it been open I would have gone. Possibly with one or two or no kids in tow. But I would have been there.
It is now Friday and my scheduled 8 x 400 meters has not happened. If the treadmill is working I might try it on that. At least it will be a consistant pace. Roads are still too icy to try and run on them.
Time will tell.
On another front the kids are well and seem happy with the little Christmas that I was able to buy for them. Hopefully they really were. Jake got an iPod Touch and Tori got her RED digital camera. I think that everyone was happy. Now to finish up Xmas shopping for the wonderful, considerate girlfriend.
3 more slow hours (I hope work doesn't read this) and off to the kids. Think Tori is cooking chicken for her daddy and brother tonite. I will try the treadmill during that time. May have to go chase Hobbit(the horse) as well. Don't know if Rachel will be back tonite or not.
So for tonite's practice, delayed from Wednesday's practice, I have 8 sets of 400 meter runs in 1:10 - 1:20 or were they supposed to be in 2:05 - 2:15. I forget. Oh well, it is in the book.
9 miles for tomorrow.
stay tuned.
Track Practice - 12/17/08
6 x 400 meters was the scheduled practice at a horrifyingly fast pace. But I persevered at a slower pace. Or did I? (pinky finger pointing to corner of mouth)
I am not sure what my maximum heart rate but I think it was 99.99% of max. It was thudding. My chest was heaving. My lungs were burning. And all I did was lace up my shoes. But seriously, the first 400 was way too fast. Recovery is one thing, but expecting the ambulance. Doesn't cut it, slow down.
So I did. My second 400 was 8 seconds slower. Big help. Let's try to slow down again. So I did. Another 3 seconds.
11 seconds. That's 44 seconds slower per mile. Sounds like a lot, but I can't run a 5:05 mile. I am pretty sure that if my legs moved that fast the friction would burn the donkey parts off me.
The next 400 was another 7 seconds slower. Much better. Still out of breath, legs still hurting on the last 100 meters, but doable. And this time doable for the last two 400's as well.
That is the time to run them in. After all, next week is 8 x 400 and then 10 building up to 16 of them.
The Armory is closed for the next two weeks. Not sure where I am going to run my 400 meter repeats at. Especially since my treadmill appears kaput.
So times were good. But what were they? You really want to know. But if I listed them here my competition will see it and train harder. Not sure I can have that. My competition keeps there training secret. Hidden. Undiscovered. In the dark.
1. vieną trisdešimt vienos
2. vieną trisdešimt devynių
3. vieną keturiasdešimt dvi
4. vieną keturiasdešimt devynerių
5. vieną keturiasdešimt aštuonia
6. vieną keturiasdešimt aštuonia
I feel good. I was tired this morning. That workout is hard and wears my body out. Last Thursday wasn't exactly my normal grouchy self.
This Saturday is a long run. 4 miles for the full marathoners and 3 miles for the halfers. My training calls for 7 miles. Not sure if I will or not but I might try. That a little bit under 4 laps of Meadowbrook Park.
First Saturday Long Run
OK, now so long. Just 40 minutes. But they will get longer. Up to 23 miles for a training run. But I am a marathoner and I am awesome.
Somehow I think some of you will contradict that. So be it.
Anyway, I took it easy. Walked with the walkers and talked with the joggers. Did my mentor duties.
Next week - halfers - 3miles and fulls - 4 miles. I will run 7 because I am on a different training schedule.
A new system. One that is guaranteed success. I can not tell you much about it because it is special training. I may not even be able to blog about afterward. I am still trying to get permission to do so.
If you keep it quiet I might be able to slip in some times in Harrappan or Sanskrit. I'll just have to see. If this information fell into the wrong hands it could be deadly for the world.
See ya laters, runners and readers.
Track Practice
Today was the start of training.
I went.
To the armory.
Only the coaches - Randy and Jayme.
But I ran.
We ran.
Multiple 600's.
I wanted to do 800's, but after three laps (yes, small indoor track). Whew!!
So yes, repeat 600's with 3 minute recovery.
Set 1 - 2:50
Set 2 - 2:44
Set 3 - 2:50
Set 4 - 2:39 (thought we were done, but coach Randy said one more)
Set 5 - 2:53
Not bad. Felt tired but good. Lungs still not back to normal an hour later.
Ease into it stud. You got 4 months.
I ran 600's thinking i needed to run 800's. Getting home and reading my training schedule I see that I was mistaken. Again. I only needed to run 400's. 6 of them, but 400's. So I am ahead of schedule. I can take it easy.
I will read the schedule better in the future.
Tomorrow is a 30 minute easy jog and cross training on Friday.
Saturday is a group run with my fellow TNTers.
It is a start.
On another note - my pushup routine is on hold. I did my first set of 10, rested tried the second set and dropped like a rock. My elbow is bad. If it doesn't heal in a week I may have to see a doctor. Unfortunately I still have a lot of hammering to do to finish the coop.
Animal Cracker Woes
To try and save some money I bought a large bag of animal crackers from Walmart.
this was a mistake.
The ones in the vending machine have a pleasant and slightly sweet taste.
The ones from Walm@rt are bland. And they have very little detail in the animal shape.
I am sorry disappointed.
Week 2, Week 1 and Week 1
Confusing? Not really - just think like me.
Week 2 of pushups - elbow still in great pain.
Set 1 - 9
Rest - 60 sec
Set 2 - 11
Set 3 - 8
Set 4 - 8
Set 5 - max (at least 11) 7 - failed again.
Total - 43/144
Week 1 of Core Training - this is the training that was developed for Tyler Hansbrough and myself. I think he reads this blog and it pushes him to do better. Well, probably not, but it makes this old man feel better. Anyway, a set of 10 exercises with a medicine ball.
Medicine balls are expensive. I bought a kettle ball. 10 pounds. Smallest I could find. Steel ball with a handle on it. Should be close enough. Though I think the medicine ball would strengthen the fingers more during gripping. Note - don't use handle of kettle ball.
10 exercises -
1. Big circles - hold ball above head and big make circles (up, left, down, right, up). Do 10 in each direction.
2. Woodchopper - Start with ball overhead. Bend over, swinging the ball through your legs (do not let go or the TV will suffer) and then swing the ball back up over your head. That's 1 rep. Do 10
3. Standing Russian Twist - Hold ball straight out in front of you. Pivot on your right foot, rotating the ball and your torso to the left. Then reverse, pivot left foot and rotate right. 1 rep. Do 10
4. Squat to Press - Hold ball at your chest, squat down and then explode up pushing the ball overhead with full extension of the arms. Back to start position. That's 1 rep. Do 10
5. Medicine Ball Situp - with ball on your chest and preform a situp. Do 10
And there were 5 more. I successfully did the first 4. Then I tried a situp. No go. So I dropped the kettle ball and tried a situp. Nada. I cannot do a situp. I tried. My diaphragm is telling me that I tried. I CANNOT do a situp. How many times do you want me to say it here. It is impossible. I even know the secret of the Dragon Warrior and still cannot do a situp.
I can crunch. I got my shoulders off the floor. Maybe 3 inches, maybe 6 inches. I don't know. I did 5 of the best situps that I could. And because of that realization I quit. No, I stopped. And I was tired. The last 5 exercises all had something to do with some type of crunch work. It is possible that I shouldn't do these right after my pushup routine.
Maybe, pushups in the morning. Hansbrough's workout at lunch and Alwyn Cosgrove's workout at night. Think that is too much. Maybe. But how else am I going to beat Tom?
Week 1 Running workout - This starts the first
week of running with Team in Training. 40 minutes of running today. Basically a weekly running work is -
Mon - 40 minutes running
Tue - 45 minutes cross training
Wed - 30 minutes running - specialized, strides, pace laps, etc
Thu - Rest day
Fri - 40 minutes easy running
Sat - various long runs - 4 miles up to 20
Sun - rest
This is always the part I failed to do. I would always run with the team on Wed and Sat but never run on my own during the week. I was still proud of my last marathon time as it was what I wanted to run.
With the new Illinois marathon in April of 2009, I have a time as well. I think a sub 4 is doable. I just need to train. So maybe I will. And my competition will be looking at this to see what I am doing, but it is a blog and I can write anything I want. Is it real or is it Memorex?
That is what I have done today except for the running part. And Cosgrove's part. After all, it is only 8:33am.
taip ilgai, nes dabar (so long for now - in Lithuanian)
Pushups - End Week 1
Woo hoo!!! i made it through the first week. My left elbow feels like I cracked it. My right pec feels like I sliced it. But I made it.
101 push-ups in 1 week. This mornings sets -
Set 1 - 8
rest 120 secs
Set 2 - 10
Set 3 - 7
Set 4 - 7
Set 5 - max (at least 10) - made 10 - barely.
Total - 42
@ days off from push ups. Hooray!!!
But with the construction going on I will still be using those muscles. What a drag. If only there was someone that could do what I do? Alas, I will do.
My pecs are RIPPED!!!
Yes, from one day of pushups I am ripped. But not in the good way.
The girlfriend noticed bruising on my pecs. Apparently I have ripped muscle tissue. Know I understand the pain I was feeling yesterday and this morning.
So this morning was my catchup day to get on schedule for the first week of my 6 week pushup workout. Did I do it? Of course! It is what a man does. No time to be sick or tired or forgetful or just don't want to. Be a Man!
Day 2 - 5 sets with 90 seconds rest in between
Set 1 - 6
Set 2 - 8
Set 3 - 6
Set 4 - 6
Set 5 - max (min 7) I only made 6 and fell down.
Total - 32
2 day total - 59
probably 50 more pushups than I have ever done in my life.
But by not making the 7, I flunked. Zero, below average, failure, loser, no good, color-blind, diabetic, Lithuanian. Craptacular.
Tomorrow is my last day for week 1 than I will be on a MWF schedule for my 6 week pushup workout.
I hope to add a medicine ball routine on TThSa as well. If Tyler can do it so can I.
And maybe, a snow boarding routine that Hooker pointed out. Should be able to fit it in somewhere as well. Running starts Dec. 13 with TNT, so I can't wait for the days to start getting longer.
yes, today was the day. I started training. And now I want to quit. My left elbow and my right inside shoulder area are killing me.
I'll I did was 27 push ups. And not at once.
Set 1 - 6
rest 60 seconds
Set 2 - 6
Set 3 - 4
Set 4 - 4
Set 5 - max (but at least 5). I did 7.
Dead. Tired. Exhilarated. Still tired.
and now aching.
And the girlfriend wondering what the noise was. My normally than louder breathing to help control the abdomen. like I said - karate guys make noise, so can push up guys.
Hey, it is a start. A start to something glorious.
We will see.
Will this be the Weekend
That I get my lazy ass out and moving, with feet on the ground, running, jogging and walking. Or will it be the weekend I come up with excuse after excuse and do no exercising.
Soon I will have to start regardless. I did volunteer to mentor for TNT for the winter group. I hope it is better than the group going now. They just don't seem to practice much. Oh well, maybe they don't need to.
There were many a good times that I will remember because only in memory can the order and goodness that you were prevail.
Rest well, Hook!!!
Catch up
Running - very little since the Alaskan Marathon. Yea, I have run with TNT for some track workouts and a few Saturday long runs but nothing to really talk about.
I ran the final Wild Wilderness Trail run at Kickapoo park on the 28th of September. I ran under my goal of 90 minutes finishing in 84 minutes 58.8 seconds. Since our illustrious governor has decided to close Kickapoo Park (along with 10 others) running the last race out there was bittersweet. I really enjoy running out there.
I ran with TNT for their 20 miler. Actually I only ran about 12 miles. I ran with a few of them here and there. Cheered them on, poured drinks and just gave moral support. Next month I have the first meeting for the winter group that I will be mentoring. It will demand a lot of time but I am looking forward to it. I will be running with them as well in preparation for the inaugural Illinois marathon in Champaign-Urbana.
Time soon to get off my ass and start training and getting in shape. This time I intend to go full force in the training. That means 5 days of training - running and weight lifting. I am looking dorward to it and hope that this time I can do it.
Wednesday Track Practice
I went to practice. I ran. My lungs frakin burned.
Legs seemed pretty good. until the next day.
they were sore. So much for being in shape.
Friday I need to run.
Saturday I will run. The TNT group is running 20 miles.
I will run with them. Not 20.
I will run with someone. Rest. Run with someone else. Cheering. Giving kudos.
New mantra.
Frackin run.
Weekend Wrapup
I ran with the group on Saturday. Took it extremely easy. Cannot believe how easy I took it. Awesome.
Ran the first 2.4 miles (west out and back) at a 10:30 pace. Sat around and poured drinks for runners. Then ran the east out and back (3.7 miles) with a run/walk runner preparing for Disney 2009. Took it easy with her chatting about what it is like to run a marathin. Pitfalls of starting to fast, controlling excitement and taking gels.
It felt good to be out there running. I really think it is a soothing experience for me.
Also had the guys out on saturday night to watch a hard fought, sometime painstaking loss to Missouri. It was a great time.
Sunday saw a cookout with some of the TNT members from the summer season. That was a good time as well.
spent monday with Allyson's family at Polywogs (Oakwood) for some boating, food and plain old relaxation (for me that meant reading - for them playing dominoes).
R. I. P. Kickapoo
One of my favorite places to run is in Kickapoo State Park, but our esteemed Governor has deemed it not necessary to suport that park any longer will close it in November 2008 to the public.
Frack!!! now what am I going to do. I feel really bummed out by this.
Here is a list of the other state parks on the cutting board. You will notce there is not one in the Chicago area or suburbs. Why not, you villianous creature?
The following Illinois State Parks will close effective November 1:
Castle Rock State Park, Oregon
Lowden State Park, Oregon
Hennepin Canal Parkway State Park, Sheffield
Illini State Park, Marseilles
Channahon Parkway State Park, Channahon
Gebhard Woods State Park, Morris
Hidden Springs State Forrest, Strasburg
Kickapoo State Park, Oakwood
Moraine View State Park, Leroy
Weldon Springs State Park, Clinton
Wolf Creek State Park, Windsor
I will buy the park from the state for $1000. Seems like a fiar price for something that is not worthy of a citizen of the greater Chicago area.
Damn you, Rod!!!
Frack it!!!
Wednesday track practice
Yes, I went and chatted with the fall and new winter groups. Except for one or two of the winter group people I knew everyone there. We talked and I introduced myself to the newbies.
Yes, I ran with them. I did a 1/2 mile warmup and then a mile of plyometrics (butt kicks, high kicks, scissor kick runs). They do kill a little bit but nowhere near like it was the first time I did them. Then a 1/2 mile cool down.
Basically a 2 mile run in 35 minutes.
I felt good. My legs felt a little tired.
Maybe i will run with them on Saturday.
Some Alaska marathon pictures
I know these are 2 months late, but here they are.
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From Alaska 2008 |
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From Alaska 2008 |
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From Alaska 2008 |
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From Alaska 2008 |
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From Alaska 2008 |
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From Alaska 2008 |
And click on the links and you can see all the photos.
Title makes you think I have been busy these last two months. Running all the time, stretching and working out.
Well, I have been not exactly that busy. Though I have been busy.
I haven't run a stitch in two months.
The kitchen is 87% done. 2 lights left and the base trim needs done. Still trying to decide on how to do the wall tile yet.
I have been thinking about running again. Not that thinking about it makes me any faster or stronger. On the other hand the Las Vegas marathon is December 7, which would give me 14 weeks to get ready. If that is a goal then track practice would be a good start tomorrow. Man, what to do?
On a brighter note, TNT alumni will be congregating at the farm on Sunday to rehash theirs races. Telling about their experiences, sharing pictures and generally having a good time.
As soon as I find the cable to my camera I will be able to upload pictures of Alaska. Wait those are on the laptop. Let me put some up.
New job
I have been busy courting a new job and I started the job today as well. It was a typical new day boring day. Settle in, meet and greet, look busy.
Tmorrow will be different - installing an MS server product.
Anyway, have not really ran since Alaska. Have been moving alot, installing flooring, kitchen cabinets and electrical work at the house. but Wednesdy I will be back at the track for practice.
I sure it will kill me. But I also need to train when I am not training for an event. It will keep me at a level of semi fitness.
Next April is the inaugural Illinois marathon which I will run. Hopefully in the 4:30 range. I know 25 minutes better than Alaska. But flatter and hopefully with better training under my soles.
Here is the link to my Alaska pictures. http://picasaweb.google.com/Mastrosky/Alaska2008 I will get around to adding captions sometime.
I'll write after track practice and try to keep this up to date.
As a very funny man says, "Waddle on"
Marathon Man Back Home
Yes, I am.
Alaska was awesome.
My new friends from Chicago were awesome.
The course was beautiful.
The course was hilly.
But I was ready. My training (what I did) prepared me well. My coaches prepared me well. Allyson prepared me well the night before I left. LOL
Anyway, morning of the race it was 50 degrees and misty. A sprinkling for the first 4 miles. But I covered the distance, traversed all the hills and raced across the finish lines in an emotional 4 hours 56 minutes and 33 seconds.
I'll get pictures up later.
Thanks to all of you.
Making his way back....
He is somewhere between Alaska and home. He did GREAT!! Further details to follow from the man himself! Welcome back and GOOD JOB honey!!
He's Off
Well he is on his first plane headed to Alaska. He'll let us know when he has landed safely. He is totally ready for race day! He will post pictures when he returns and be full of highlights I'm sure.
Last Saturday training run
Yepper, the "last" Saturday training run.
No more training runs - finish, nada, done, out o' here!!!
Lake of the Woods for a 60 minutes run there abouts last Saturday. I ran 4 miles in a very slow and comfortable pace. A 12 minute pace.
Got a few final words of encouragement from my fellow team mates and coach.
I have trained more this season than any other. I trained almost every Wednesday and Saturday.
Wednesday - tough but great track workouts.
Saturday - building up the mileage.
They have helped.
The Indy mini was almost 12 minutes faster (11:53 to be exact) than last year.
My mile time has decreased from last years best of just over 8 minutes (which I broke this year about 3 weeks) and have now bettered to a 7:07 (last week). A great personal best.
I hope next year (or this year) to do more and break the 2 hour mark for a half.
Here are some goals for the upcoming year -
Mile (1600) - 6:00
5k - 21:00
10k - 50:00
Half - 2:00:00
Full - 3:59:59.99 (yes, break 4 hours)
These are lofty. They truly are. But one feels that I am capable. He has spouted out on numerous occasions that I have the ability to run like this. How he knows, I have no idea. I hav always doubted the man, mainly due to my self doubt. But I am starting to believe.
Sorry, Hook for doubting you. Thank you bro.
I also have another that believes as well. She has never specified times or abilities like Hook, but she doesn't know alot about my past running or lack thereof. She just believes in me.
Thank you Ally.
And now me - Alaska this weekend. My bib number (if they have online tracking) is 842. I hope to place 800 or better. I also hope to run under 5 hours. I knowthat is not news. I have always said that a 4:50 or so should be doable.
Stay tuned for my real prediction and my ultimate goal.
Thanks to all.
Wednesday track practice
Seeing as how it was my last hard practice before my race, coach Vicki decided to kick some ass.
here was her plan -
1600 - recovery
1200 - recovery
800 - recovery
400 - recovery
all at 5k pace.
ok, for me that should have meant about a 9:30 to 9:45 pace. Maybe. Not sure I can hold that for 3 miles but it would be a good try.
so off we go.
I bust out a 7:07 mile. What the hell? Where did that come from? Whose frackin legs were attached to my gorgeous waist?
OK, that was a stretch. But 52 seconds better than my best mile. Unbelievable.
oh, yea, the pain
the gasping for air
i must have been anerobic for the whole mile
so how were the 1200, 800 and 400? good all at 8 minute mile pace.
one helluva of a good pace.
I'm thinking a 3 hour marathon. hehehe
nope. still 4 hour marathon at just under 5 hours. 4:45 would be great
Saturday was a 90 minute run, but instead I hike 5.4 miles at Starved Rock. Boy, were there a lot of stairs. At one point 155 straight stairs that I attempted to jog up. I made it to the last landing and then walked the last short flight. boy, were my thighs burning.
Starved Rock is a pretty cool place. We hike almost 5.5 miles there. Enjoyed some beautiful scenery and cool canyons fromed from limestone cliffs. May have to go back inthewinter time and see the eagles.
Sunday was another hike through parts of Mathiesson State Park for about 2.25 miles. Not as long but just as awe-inspiring. Overall it was a great weekend. Spent it with the Elliotts minus Kayla and Ally and Chris. My kids once again absent.
I got a lot of good legwork in and do not feel that I cheated my training any. Monday I am going to try and fit (ok, choose a better word) not fit, try to do a workout for 45 minutes or so.
I got alot of work to do before the 21st. I do feel I will do well in Alaska. I know the marathon is hilly and 7 miles of it are trail, but I believe a 4 hour marathon is possible. It may be 4:59, but that is still 4 hours.
I'll give my ultimate goal later.
Getting close
Alaska is three weeks away.
Nerves are starting to set in.
I know I'll finish, but will I be happy.
My goal - under 5 hours.
My coaches goal - 4:40 - dreamer.
I don't know.
I'll set one later.
Anyway, last Saturday I ran long (15.4 miles or so) right at an 11 minute pace. Good job to me. Exactly what I wanted. A slower pace for something left over at then end. Most of the time I felt great. It was awesome having Allyson around for handing water or gatorade or gels to me. I would not have made it without her. Too bad she isn't going to Alaska, but then she couldn't be there every two miles either. I didn't eat much the morning of the run and that proved disastrous. At 14 miles I fell apart. I need food in the morning. The gels were not enough. Got to get breakfast in me before Alaska.
Recovery was pretty quick. I napped for a few hours and then went to work on the kitchen. I worked on Sunday and Monday as well. Not at a great frantic pace, but I was up, very little stiffness.
Training has helped my recovery drastically.
And my speed.
Last night (Wednesday track practice) we ran (me and the summer group) three 1200's. I was consistent and quick. I ran 5:27, 5:21 and 5:32. About a 7:20 mile pace. Awesome for me. This time last year, those times would be around 7:30 for the 1200 and a 10 minute mile pace. No exaggeration there. I have improved.
With a lot of kudoes to Ally and others.
Saturday is 90 minutes of running that I will do up in the Uttica, Il area as I will be camping and hiking around Starved Rock Park. Not going to push anything, just an easy 8 or 9 miles.
Count Down
Only three short weeks until Michael heads to Alaska for the TNT full marathon. He continues to work on being prepared, but needs a pick me up once in a while from "his people".
I know you'll do great honey!
Catch up time
After the Indy mini and my crestfallen heart after getting drubbed by Mr. Elliott by 11 seconds, my blogging has been nil. So now I catch up.
Wednesday following Indy (May 7), it was raining and I did not bring appropriate clothes, so I skipped. Did I make it up on the treadmill, you ask. Silly people, of course not.
Saturday, May 10, was to be an 20 mile run. I went to LOW and managed to eke out about 9.26 miles at a great 10 minute pace. And then my body fell apart. Rather than risk injury or just dropping alongside the trail, I slipped home. After a shower and food (lots of food) I felt much better.
Wednesday, May 14, was a pretty good track workout. We did a few specialized 100's, scissor kicks, strides, high stepping and butt kicks. Then Vicki made me do mile repeats for 3 miles. Tiring, but felt better. Miles were 8:16, 9:46 and 9:06 for a total of 27:08. Probably a new best for me.
Saturday, May 17, was the Buffalo 5 mile Trail run at LOW on the west side. This was run with (ok, behind my son - Jacob) and my woman Allyson (Ally did the 2 mile walk). Going down the first hill we knew it would be wet, but not how wet. At one point we slogged through 6 or 7 inches of water that took about 10 strides to get through. Nasty stuff. Good thing it was warm.
But I did great, ran a 48:33 for a 9:45 pace. All I wanted was a 10 minute pace. It was a struggle and probably walked more than I should. The last mile was against the wind and it showed. Jake ran a respectable 42 something, but he needs to start running for cross country. He was a hurting on Sunday. Myself I felt fine on Sunday. Must slowly be getting used to this.
Now I just have to pick up more days a week to run, but who has the time. With the kitchen still not even close to being done. But that's another story, for another blog.
So hopefully, tonite I will plant three fruit trees, so a little drywall and then hit the treadmill for 3 miles.
That's the goal.
Indy Half Marathon
Saturday was overcast with a threat of showers, but it was cool. We (Tom and I) got to the corrals a minute before they were closing. We left Allyson to find a parking spot and she was on her own.
We started in the X corral with approximately 30,000 people in front of us. As the gun we went off, we shuffled forward. I found a break in the fence and dashed out for the port-a-potties. This gave Tom the head start he "needed".
About 30 minutes after the gun I crossed the start line. Horray, the front runners were proably on the Speedway (the 6 mile mark) and starting to head back. Being this far back to start was a mistake. We need to be there an hour before next time. I did nothing but dodge walkers and slow joggers. Not that I am fast but that is a lot of people to move around.
Eventually I took to the sidewalks following some other trailblazers and made it through. It never really clears out though. You are always weaving in and out. But it only added a tenth of mile to the race - it sure seemed like more.
I kept to my pace fairly well for the first 7 miles. Slowing down and walking at the drink stations and then getting back up. With this process I was averaging just over 10 minutes a mile. Giving me pause to actually believe that I could, maybe if the stars were aligned right and the rest of the course was downhill, I might make my ultimate goal. 2 hours, 11 minutes - an exact 10 minute pace.
I had been fighting an urge to use the restroom for over a mile. This was an urge, I couldn't ignore any longer. While running around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, I had to take a dump. A crap here and now. Why now? Up ahead was a porta-a-potty and only 2 guys in line. Out popped a woman. I headed for it. Got in, dumped and then the trouble. Have you ever tried to pull up spandex over very sweaty legs? Not easy.
My watch (my new Garmin Forerunner 405 - I love it) stopped during my lack of forward progress. I figured I lost 2 minutes here. Anyway back on and moving.
Off the track and still passing people. I was amazing catching parts of conversations. we are doing good, 8 miles in 2 hours. How far up had these people started. I was passing people that I should have started in front of.
Mile 10 in 1h 46m 10s. Not bad only 6 minutes behind my ultimate goal. I wouldn't be able to make up that time in the 5k that was left, but I could hang tough and do the last 5k at pace (31m).
Finish time - 2h 16m 49 seconds. That made my last 5k in 30 minutes and 39 seconds. I hung on and beat last years time by 11 minutes.
Training does help.
And how did Tom do? Very well. He beat me by 11 seconds. He, who wanted 2 - 3 minutes per mile advantage. What a sandbagger.
Oh well.
My hats off to you Tommie. I really thought treadmill only training was going to hurt. Apparently you trained alot more than you let on.
Numbers look hard to read so here they are. Tom is listed first and myself second.
Tom - 5mile time 50.37 - 10mile time 1.44.27 - Total time 2.16.38
Mike - 5mile time 50.53 - 10mile time 1.46.10 - Total time 2.16.49
Wednesday Training - April 30
Running in circles again
But it has helped
I am faster
I can run a mile better
I recover faster
We were told to run a timed 5k. I aimed for under 30 minutes. They has been hard for me to do.
I ran 28:25. And did not feel bad.
My next 5k goal will be just under 27 minutes
Times for each lap is pretty good for me. Lap 5 is where I walked after blowing out a 8.16.56 first mile. I have been trying to keep my first mile close to 8 minutes (if I can) and then relaxing a little on the rest of the workout. Probably not too good for me, but mentally it does me wonders.
But truly the whole workout was good and I haven't done a sub 30 5k in a long time.
Saturday is the Indy half marathon and I hope to break my time from last year. Looking at 2 hours 25 minutes or less.
Saturday training
God it was awful. I went out with a few friends on Friday and toss a few down. Then a few more and a few more. Saturday came and I was forcibly kicked, pulled and cajoled out of bed. I went to LOW and tried to run.
I did try.
Approximately 5 miles later I was done. 13 miles short of my scheduled run. My head hurt. I was bad on Friday night and I paid for it Saturday morning.
This week I hope to do better and really excel on Saturday at the Indy half. I really believe that a 2:20 is in the cards. I am going to try.
And on another greater note a great kid went into Madison over the weekend and participated in his first tournament of his Hwang Do career (something like TaeKwan Do). He was second in waepons and sparring. I think we have a little Bruce Lee on our hands.
Congrats again big man, Zachary "Lee" Hooker.
Wednesday workout
Yep, another Wednesday, another speed type workout.
Wednesday - WED NES DAY why such a long strange word for the middle of the work week. And most people leave the D out - WENSDAY. Weird huh??!!
anyway, sorry I got distracted... Again a speed workout. 1 mile warmup, then 5 200's then a few 400's mixed in with some sprinting with Randy.
Now Randy, I got to tell you about this joker. Sandbagger is more like it. Ran with him (more like got my ass sprinted off by him) for awhile. He's like - "We should run a 50 or a 100" in the middle of our 200's. What is he crazy? Damn st. Joe guys.
But hey, it was a great workout and yes, Randy is a runnner!
But now I have to brag. My warmups the last 3 weeks have not exactly been warmups. I have been testing myself during the 1 mile warmup. seeing what I can do. Last week was a 9:03 and I was extremely happy.
This week I would have to say frackin delirous. (note the Battlestar galactica reference)
1 mile
ok - 1600 meters (another 9.344 meters to be a mile - 30 feet 7 inches)
uh huh, that's right, you got it - under 8 minutes for the MILE. Another PR!!!
so here goes.
warmup 7:59:19 (here's the splits 2.05.78/201.62/201.61/1.50.18
200 - 52.45
recover (200 meters) - 1.57
200 - 40.36
recover - 2.09
200 - 47.70
recover - 2.02
200 - 43.53
recover (400 jog) - 2.53
400 - 2.33
200 - 47.73
recover - 3.01
400 - 2.10
recover - 3.20
100 - 15.87
then 2 laps jogging
not bad....
but my calves will be tight tomorrow. I can already feel a little bit of stiffening now. And man, do I stink.
Saturday's run you ask? (groan) 18 miles. With the Indy half marathon being a little over 9 days away as I right this, I may not run all of it. I reallly dont want to kill myself and have nothing for Indy. My best half was Mahomet in 2005 in 2:21. I would like to be beat as the ultimate, but I will be really happy with a 2:29:59.
see ya Saturday or Sunday...
Yes, I skipped last night. It was happy, joyous, gay skipping. But uncoordinated me managed to do it without falling down.
skipping, scissors steps, high steps and butt kicks are fairly strenuous types of movements.
We walk the curves and then do the straights with one of the above.
1 mile warm up. 9:22 (not much of a warm up. pretty fast pace that I can only do for a mile or so)
1 lap of each of the above (another mile)
1 lap of 2 of the above (1 straight for 1 type of humiliation) (half mile)
2 laps of cool down (ran with coach, probably 10 - 11 minute pace)
Not a bad workout. Recovery was quick though the exercises did streeeeeetch out the muscles. Today I have a little tightness in the calves and the small of my back.
This Saturday is an 80 minutes run. Maybe I can get 8 miles in. Is that pushing it? Probably! Should I try it? Not really sure here. Maybe??!! 7 miles should be easy (11:30 pace)
PS - Remeber to take watch Saturday. More accurate than phone.
Lets see what happens on Saturday. A great run may mean wonders come Indy. Afterall, I looked up some old races and the Mahomet Halk Marathon of 2005 has been my best of 2:21. I really want to beat that. Did I write that down? Don't copy thatr information.
Wednesday Track Practice Tonite
Tonite is track practice again but we are at the Urbana High School track. A full 400 meters. We are doing some dancing, skipping and general form techniques tonite. Woo hoo. Me skipping.
Last Saturday was supposed to be a 16 miler, but with the rain and wind I skipped out. I was also in Kewanee for my uncles funeral.
I do have results from last Wednesday track run though. Something I am proud of. Only THREE miles but the first one was a 9:03. Yes, that is 9 minutes and 3 seconds for a - ok, only a 1600 meter run, but damn it good enough for me. Besides it is only 30.6 feet shy of a mile.
Then mile 2 - 10:44
Mile 3 - 10:41
Still I was happy.
Not something I have ever been good at, but I did get the hint from the last post. I have been running -some. But as my shoes pointed out there has been no mention of it here. So let us catch up.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
At the Armory again on their little 200 meter track
We'll do 3 miles, consistently increasing our speed. 6 warm up laps at warm-up pace, then every 2 laps we'll increase by 5%. Finishing with 2 laps cool down. All spelled out: 6 warm-up: 50%; 2 laps: 55%; 2 laps: 60%; 2 laps: 65%; 2 laps: 70%; 2 laps: 75%; 2 laps: 80%; 2 laps: 85%; 2 laps: 90%; 2 cool-down: 60%.
That's alot of laps for 3 miles. Did I run those percentage levels doubtful. Probably ran a little easier than normal for the warmup, then normal for the majority, then hard for 2 laps and finally the cool down. I just can't pace myself well. So everything in between is about a 10 minute pace.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Saturday was a step back recovery week and we were only scheduled to run 60 minutes. During these runs I pick a distance to run and see if I can do it in the alloted time. So I though a 10k (6.2 miles) would be a tough goal to make. That is faster than my normal 10 minute per mile pace.
Guess what? I CAME CLOSE!!! woot woot
Mile 1 - 11 min
Mile 2 - 10 min
Mile 3 - 11 min
Mile 4 - 9 min
Mile 5 - 10 min
Mile 6 - 9 min
Mile 6.2 - 2 min
Total - 62 minutes
Remember timing is done with my phone so not very exact. That could have been a 62 minute run or 62m and 59 seconds. But who's counting. Not me.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
No team practice we werre supposed to run on our own. Did I? What do you think?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Back at Lake of the Woods (LOW). 14 mile run. Long and since I am training for a marathon in Alaska I ran all 14 on the west side - the hillier side. I took mind time and shot the shit with the group a few times. Once for 13 minutes straight, just before my last 2.3 mile loop. Boy was that dumb. My legs, chest and brain were screaming, "you frackin' idiot. you know better than to rest just before the end.Frack!!!"
Start - 7:10
Mile 1 - 11 min
Mile 2 - 10 min
Mile 3 - 13 min
Mile 4 - 11 min
Mile 5 - 18 min - 7 minutes with group
Mile 6 - 10 min
Mile 7 - 9 min
Break again for 8 minutes with group
Mile 8 - 12 min
Mile 9 - 11 min
Mile 10 - 13 Min
Mile 11 - 11 min
Break again - the really dumb one - 13 minutes
Mile 12 - 15 min
Mile 13 - 13 min
Mile 13.9 - 9 min
Total time 187 minutes or 3 hours and 7 minutes. Terrible for a half.
Actually running time - 159 minutes or 2 hours and 39 minutes. Great for all the ups and downs over there.
Ok, so now I am caught up. What do you got to say now shoes? And yes, you guys do stink.
substitute poster
Hi, this is RTL's running shoes. Has anyone seen our friend RTL? he hasn't posted in weeks, so we thought we'd fill in for him. Last weekend, we did 14 miles. Boy were we sore! This weekend we're going 16. Is he nuts? You can't run a marathon training only once a week. Can you? I sure hope he remembers the odor eaters cuz we've got some "funk" issues growing inside us. Well, Smell ya later!
Rtl's Running shoes.
Mountain Goat 15k
Today was the Mountain Goat runs.
5k loop of hills.
215 feet of downhills.
215 feet of UPHILLS!!!!
My calves were screaming at me. You idiot. You are you doing to us.
You haven't trained for this. You fool. and so on.
I heard them, well I felt them. Oh, how did I feel them. But I ingored it best as I could.
Pain. Phew!!
I run through pain like it was a wet tissue.
Then I go home, curl up in the fetal position, and cry like a little baby.
But I persevered and finished. Possibly in world record time. Ok, maybe a personal best. If my time was correct then 95 minutes - 10:12/mile. If a correction is necessary I will make it if it makes me look better.
Wednesday Track Session
Again, track at the Armory. Spring break for the university so the Armory was basically empty.
Another FARTLEK - ain't that a cool word??
Not a bad workout - 4 miles. still the back of my calves (achilles tendon?) killing me early on. This doesn't happen at LOW. I'm thinking since the track is only 200 meters maybe it is the curves. Always running on the left edge of my feet? I am not sure. But it really is kind of painful. It eventually goes to a dull ache with time and doesn't seem to bother me the next day.
Any ideas?
here's the rundown of what we did -
6 laps of warm-up.
1 lap 80% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 70% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 90% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 70% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
1 lap 80% followed by 1 lap recovery and then 2 laps at normal pace.
6 laps of cool-down.
Saturday Long Run
I was supposed to run 10 miles on Saturday.
I went
I ran
just not that far.
But a good run I had. I was at 5k in 30 minutes and decided to do a 10k timed run. Thinking I could maybe do one in 60 minutes. I kept pushing. It was hard but I actually did a 59 minute 10k. It was probably 59:59 but timing on my phone I have no idea of the seconds. So I am calling it a 59 minute run.
in the mist
up and over the hills
I like running at Lake of the Woods but it is a pretty hilly course.
Good runonSaturday morning.
Wednesday track session
At the armory again... that small track is killing my upper quads. I truly believe it is the fact that you are almost running in a circle. I haven't had pain (more of a severe tightness) before running on roads or trail. Therefore, it has to be the always running on the edge of your feet in the corners.
Anyway, enough griping. With the weather getting nicer we will soon be moving to the Urbana high school track (then I can bitch about the wind, heat, humidity).
Fartlek - come on, say it with me, FART LEK. What a cool word. But that is the running we did. Speedplay for 4 miles. But it made me run 4 miles in 38 minutes. Exhauusted.
gonna really have to do more running than twice a week.
Tonite's the Night
It's going to be alright....
with all due respect to Pink, Janet Jackson, Yoyo, Wallflowers, Rod Stewart, Neil Young, The Shirelles and Emma Bunton (and anyone else that recorded this song). Tonight is going to be alright.
I will be starting my serious running training - no matter what the excuse or whatever else needs done. I will either run around the farm or be on the treadmill. Most likely on the treadmill - there is still a ton o water around. Or done the half mile lane and back a few times.
Bad thing about the lane is all downhill from the house - making it all uphill to finish. Crap!!!
Tom (a friend of mine) has been in some serious training the last few months and I need to catch up. We re both running the Indy half marathon in May. In a drunken, I-am-better-than-you-are, stupor last year there is a $100 bet on the finish. Both of us are too vain, egomaniacal, hard-headed, prideful, or just plain ol stubborn to relenquish the wager. War is on.
So, while he has been 75% deligently training, I have been giving it my full 20%. I need to step it up. and tonight's the night - aww yeah!!!!!
Wow, I month seen I have posted. I surprised I haven't heard about this. Well, I have run all the required Saturday runs since the last time I blogged. I have been doing ok. My knee still tends to aggravate me on a schedue of it's own choosing.
Last night was the first track practice session that I have gone too. It is at the Armory.
a nice short track.
200 meters.
makes you dizzy.
We ran 4 laps of warmups - 1/2 haf mile and then 60 seconds all out. Well, I wasn't running all out. How could I go on after that? But I did put forth great effort.
Our last lap was balls to the wall. I'd been trailing this chick all night hanging behind her (telling myself it was so I could watch the sashay of her ass when in reality it was all I could do to keep up). Forget her name but she is there every Saturday just jogging and chatting with her friend. How can you jog and chat? I can jog and gasp for air.
So last lap, the ol' brotherhood pride reared it's ugly head and totured my mind with its unrelenting hounding of my inability to defeat this better, stronger, younger athlete. We took off and by turn 2 I was matching her stride for stride in the outside lane. As we came upon the backstretch, I was passing her and I heard her sigh. I knew I had it. I started to celebrate and slowed, then I heard her footsteps. Why couldn't she admit that I wasn't going to lose?
My brotherhood pride moved my legs even faster and my belly started to retch. Coming into the homestretch my coach is shaking her head, yelling out the time and calling me a sandbagger. Me, I am looking around for oxygen.
It was a good run. Here's what we did.
4 laps warmup
1.5 laps fast
2 laps recovery
1.3? laps fast
2 laps recovery
1.25 laps fast
1 lap recovery
1.25 laps fast
1 lap recovery
1 lap all out
3 laps cooldown
Total maybe 19.3 laps or close to 2.5 miles. But rough miles.
Training #9
Those of you who have been following the training may havenoticed there is non training #8. Well, I skipped it. It was a 45 minute run and I was going to run the Fat Ass at Lake Mingo. But with all the snow i decided that it wasn't worth the risk. So I did no running. Let the heckling begin.
Ok, that's enough.
This week was a 10 mile run and I did it. Lake of the Woods. I started ealier than everyone. 6:45am I was jogging on a nice sheet of thin ice. Places were real bad. But I ran.
111 minutes later I was done. That's an 11m 6 s pace. Not bad, actually great. I am impressed myself.
Here's a map to the 10 mile run.
See nice hilly course.
Treadmill Hills Again
Well, I wasn't going to run again but she made me. And she made me do it barefoot.
She made run on the treadmill barefoot. What a slave driving, trainor. Now I have blisters and won't be able to run for a year.
So I did the hill run barefoot. Grades up to 8%. I did not do a warmup or a cool down just half the hill portion. 3%, 0%, 5%, 0%, 8%, 0%. Just over a mile in 12 flat. Not bad and ran the whole way.
But BOY does my foot hurt.
Training #7
I missed training #7.
Yes, moved into a new house. But with Monday I hope to begin a steady stream of weekday training.
Until then, ciao.
Weekday Training
Tuesday - L training day.
And guess what I s.....started it as soon as I got home from work at 6:30pm. I changed, hopped on the treadmill and started the warmup and then raised the incline. I followed every step and loowered and raised the inlcine as called for.
Up to 8%. That's steep. But I stayed true and followed through.
2.614 miles in 33:00. Not fast but I only set the speed at 5.5 mph and the included warmup and cool down is included.
Maybe the start of something good.
Training #6
So tired. We went out to dinner and drinks with Tom and Christine last night. Had a pretty good time. But, yea, that has nothing to do with Saturday's training run.
It was CANCELLED by the coach. With wind chills on the negative side of ZERO that was probably smart. So that means running it today by myself or trying to limp out 6 miles on a treadmill.
Did a little cross training this morning around 9:30 for abot 45 minutes or so. Some pushups, sidebends, thrusts... those kind of things. Then headed to the treadmill. Set it for 10k and started walking. Soon up to my 6 mph pace and felt pretty good. But could not hang with it. Ended up slowing and doing a 5k in 33:45 for a 10:54 pace.
That means I have to do another 5k later tonite. I cannot let the distance go. Mileage will be building up 2 miles every week for the longer Saturday runs. I have to keep at this. And I have to add the weekday runs as well. Must find time for 30 minutes every night on the treadmill or outside. MUST!!!
Working but Lazy
Ok so I haven't worked out or have I?
My fingers are sore from changing this website and creating another (check the links). But with the addition of tracking progress on the blog (through runningahead.com) I can now see my progress (or lack thereof) everyday. I was hoping to join the 1000 mile club this year and that goal is going to be harder to meet with each passing week.
Other things in my life are slowing down, but soon, there will be alot more work in my life. Less stress, but more work. But I think that is ok. The recent stress has kept my mind tired and my body sluggish and frankly, (notice I didn't call you surely) my sex drive to an all time low. Sucks to be my girlfriend right now.
On that note, and with the really cold weather setting in, it is time to start. The motivational drivers that I employ are constantly challenging and prodding me. For that I am grateful! It will be a slow start, but I think in the next 2 weeks I should be able to get some kind of semblance of a training routine done.
As a columnist that I read monthly, ..."it is not about how fast you run or how far you or how often, it is about you running".
And to steal a great catchphrase...
Waddle on, friends.
Training #5

He is playing intramural basketball and apparently uses only his index finger to catch the ball. Beat he goes back to using his whole hand. I sent him to the emergency room and the doc said he did pop it out of joint but it popped right back in. Swelling should go down in a day or two.
In other news I have final approval of my home loan, meaning I can join the ranks of the debt-ridden once again. Someday a house will be mine.
So hopefully Monday I will train a little. Time will tell.
Today is the Day
Today I have to at least run or do some core workouts. NO MATTER WHAT.
Saturday is TNT training #5 but it is only 45 minutes. I say that like I run more than that all the time. 45 minutes that I cannot run continously. 45 minutes of wheezing, knee pain, side splints and general dizziness in my head wondering what the hell am I doing.
Oh way, I am tryin to get in shape and raise money for TNT. Time to start writing letters this weekend.
On a side note, I have been looking at houses... still. I had a house inspection schedule for me and that is how I lost a good friend. Maybe someday he will overcome his anger. Inspection was ok. Pointed out a few things I choose to inore and listed all the no-nos that most homeowners don't really care. They no there is damage or rot here and there and choose to overlook when trying to buy a house they really like. But he did point out the furnace was old (I knew that), the flame was too yellow - due to misadjustment or cracked heat exchanger (I didn't know, well even I could see it was yellow) and the fact there was no CO detector (which I had forgotten that all homes with gas appliances must have them within 15 feet of sleeping areas. New state law as of last year.
I wondering how many homes do not have them. I bet one hell of a lot.
So I am having a furnace guy look at this furnace on Monday to tell me if the exchanger is broke or not. Then on with the next step. Home buying seems to be such a drag and time committment. My lawyer seems to be very knowledgable and nice. I like him.
A Friend lost is indeed a tragedy
Appears I lost a good friend today and for that I am sorry . Things were done for me and I did not interject to change those things. Because of that, I have lost a friend. No chance to explain, no chance to say sorry.
I had asked the cost of his services before in voicemail and email and nary a reply. I just assumed he figured I was looking for a freebie, his services for free. That was never my attention. I would gladly have paid for his services. But I never recieved a reply. Ok, he is too busy. Not a biggie.
So when my real estate agent setup the appointment, I just went with the flow. Not thinking. It was just something I did not have to think about or do and I have had a lot on my mind recently.
Therefore, because I cannot keep up with everything going on I have lost a good friend. The last two words of his email say it all - FUCK YOU
I truly am sorry you feel that way.
Training #4 and more
Hey that rhymes. tee hee
Ok, training on Saturday was supposed to be 5 miles, instead I attempted the Siberian Express (7.45 miles). It was the muddiest I have ever seen it. At places we were slogging through 4" deep mud. We - Tom and I. My knee has been giving me plenty of problems lately and I had to stop every quarter to half mile. Tom, being the friend he is, hung back with me. We still finished in 1h 43m. Making us both believe that without the mud and my knee we could have been under 90 minutes.
So that tells me I need to do weekday running and start the new ELITE core workout that VGFatboy is doing. We both read about it in RW. Core strength is important to everyday life. This coming Saturday is only a 45 minutes run - a cutback week. Then 6 miles, then 8 miles.
Gave a treadmill to VGFatboy for some winter running. His number 1 son seems to love it. He should get some good use out of it in the years to come.
Soon I will have a new blog up. Look for more info to come.
Peace out.
Happy New Year Everyone
it is 2008
i'll turn 45
don't know if that is significant or not
i might get lucky and get a house this year
or i might not
i hope to run a marathon this year
i hope to beat the Rouge in the Indy half marathon
my wallet hopes i beat him
i hope Jake makes the state cross country meet this year
i hope Tori makes it too high school
i hope Chris gets over his shyness
i hope Allyson stays happy
i hope all my friends stay my friends
i hope i train more
i hope my blood sugar drops to the normal range
i hope i eat better
i hope i learn something new this year
i hope i am better this year